- Day 27, music

"Miracles can happen just like that!" - Kaori Miyazono from Your Lie in April (EP 21)

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- Day 26, shield

late bc i have no mood for drawing yesterday hwhwhw

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This is all for fun testing my animation idle (might open Fnf idle animation soon)
Have a possessed Mecha :)
Mecha by

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Yesterday I started watching Evangelion, and it’s so good! Although I’m very concerned with how many times Shinji has almost died. I really love 90’s anime!

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Mechatober Day 23 - Ninja

Mysterious robot: The human target has been found!
Mechabot : Ouch ?!
Amato : hah?! ninja.. uh, mechabot are you okay?
Mechabot : No!

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