La cosa está fea y no me ha llegado trabajo, estoy re atorada con el tema del dinero, y pues necesito mis medicinas y comer :')

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Buenassss como están? Hoy me siento mejor así que nos vemos en la noche ahora si!

Quiero aprovechar esta situación para contarles algo un poco personal e importante...

Yo sufro de migrañas crónicas que enserio me dejan en cama y no hay pastilla ni medicina que me las alivie 1/?

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Koga/Kyō es un entrenador experto en Pokémon de tipo veneno que reside en Ciudad Fucsia. Koga tiene grandes conocimientos de medicina, incluso elabora las medicinas que sus Pokémon necesitan. Si lo derrotas obtienes la Medalla Alma

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The 134th day
Medicinal garden workshop led by Noreen Kelly at La Plaza Cultural

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The italian physiologist Carlo Matteucci was born in 1811. With his experiments on frogs he studied animal His "rheoscopic" frog was unique.

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Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.
The birth flower for 20 June is the Mexican Bush Sage.
The language of flowers is 'family love, homely'.
It has no medicinal value and is used as a cut flower or dried flower.
I wish you a peaceful day.

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Shahmaran is a cave-dwelling woman/snake hybrid found in the mythologies of Iran, Iraq, Anatolia, the Armenian Highlands, & Kurdistan. When a man gets lost in her cave & discovers her garden, she falls in love with him & teaches him about medicinal herbs.

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Ilya Medicinal +イリヤ・マディサナル+
☪︎ MeseFamily 救護班担当 ໒꒱


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Chicos!! Estoy viendo de hacer stream a las 18:00 Hrs ( 2 horas & 15 mins más) Pero realmente no estoy segura, mi perrito se enfermó del estómago & estoy pendiente de él. Ya le di medicina, así que veré su evolución de aquí a un rato & les aviso si podré hacer stream

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Thoracic patient suffering from severe left pulmonary tuberculosis undergoing resection of the tubercular cavity and ribs (from IV to VIII) in 1895 by Dr. Macewen. The photograph was taken in 1911.

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Medicinal Moth by Doctor Guilty has released a button based on Flair from Awful Hospital by Bogleech. A neat little piece of merch that looks good on most things and can serve as an ironic dig at middle management when worn at work.

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02 - Fausto VIII, de Shaman King

O último romântico, medicina por amor e desequilibrado rs

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Marshmallows originated as medicinal for kids with sore throats! But over the years they swapped the marshmallow plant paste with gelatin to just be a yummy snack:)

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El segundo número, con guion de , cuenta la historia de la neurocientífica Rita Levi-Montalcini, que recibió el Premio Nobel de Fisiología o Medicina 1986. En esta ocasión, las ilustraciones son de .

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coi proverbi: Defecatio matutina tanquam medicina.
Defecare di mattina è come una medicina.
Proverbio latino

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Medicina por amor (ao dinheiro). 😍(🤑)

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The twins Abriel and Selah! We meet them in Autumnest, where their family raises a specific medicinal herb that Ella needs. Identical down to the last hair, they like to say!

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myth: if a beaver finds itself pursued by a hunting party, it will chew off its own testicles and leave them behind in self-defense!

beavers' testicles were believed to have medicinal properties, which led to the widespread hunting of them in europe specifically for their testes

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Los Shiady son una monarquía constitucional, guiada por Consejeros de las ciudades principales. Aunque la última voz siempre es de la reina Shami.

La historia empieza en el reino Shiady. Éstos poseen conocimientos avanzados de medicina como la existencia del ADN +

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