
35 103

Omg my dhmis teacher oc!?!? yeah lmao,
This is the mental health teacher(s)😭

Don't worry their very nice and are definitely not fucking crazy 🫶🫶 IDK💀

7 37

Literalmente me tuve que chutar un video de mas de una hora para entender esta serie y asi poder hacerlos en stickers jajaja

2 9

Painted this 5 years ago (my first Les Mis painting surprisingly was not Javert xD), not perfect but i remember i had lots of fun painting it :')

0 25

Vyn looks so pretty in Blizzardous 🫠
anyway I love the new brush for this illust

114 356

Ммм.. гиперфиксация на очередной рандомной сюрреалистичной комедии..

98 681

[Family AU] pt 4!! TW// death / muerte

I love this one and also is so important to the AU lore aaaaa, as always translations and part 3 on the thread :]

14 242

"feisty aren't ya?"

bullying luke is my favorite thing to draw.

194 713


72 428

OMG I haven't post anything here in a while! :-0
Have some fanart with ya boy ,, it's technically him going all goopy into Monster Warren because people need to draw him more!


3 23

🫐🍓💖 Angry x Fight 💖🍓🫐
Angry con el traje de animadora y Fight en el grupo de fútbol.

0 1


8 20

What's your favourite idea? Mine is being - creative!

15 123