The retrosaur mount was basically a giant Yoshi (well, minus the egg-laying). Everything about this game was freaking awesome and I miss it.

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Nazka Runepelt would have been my Draken esper—Carbine wanted to eventually make all race/class combos available, but never had time (or resources) to make that happen. :(

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Mogez Thunderfoot, Granok stalker. Who needs to be quiet and good at hiding when you can just cloak with nanotech embedded in your skin!? xD

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Handsome Hilrak dressed up all fancible (including an outfit mockup done on another character).

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Lore for the Granok claimed they were about 4m tall (like 12 feet), but in-game they were only like 8' or 9'. Probably a design choice so that there wasn't one player race that was kaiju-sized compared to the rest.

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Hilrak Werzasong was supposed to be my Draken medic, not that we had the option to play them! But he was 100% a trustworthy doctor you can trust when you're under the knife. Great bedside manner! *nods*

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Some of Kelyykha's outfits. When I got a cool-looking mount from Madame Fay, I often designed a costume to match it. XD

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My other brother's characters Kikechota "Kiki" Stonescale, Katka "Badass Granny" Bloodspiller, and friend's character Astoreth Dunemaw (she's actually on Twitter so she may share pics of her own).

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My Granok medic, Gabbro Blackblood. Even after they gave us body types and (limited) options for shoulder width, M Granok were comically oversized. XD

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Sektalek's sister Tuurshaki. She was the tougher of the pair, and despite frequently saying how stupid Sektalek was, they were really close siblings (for Draken, anyway).

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Zardoz was about as vain as a Chua could be, and always insisted on being well-dressed.

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We never got Chua stalkers as an option AT ALL, but Zabi Pock would have been a great stalker. She definitely had the "creepy stare" down pat.

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The "taunt" animation for Chua was them turning around and waving their tail in the air. If you timed it just right with the "make it rain" emote, your character appeared to be shooting money out their ass, but I never mastered it.

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Chua warrior Bilzo Jenti, originally generated for refs before Chua warriors could be unlocked. Once they made it literally rain Omni-Bits during the sunset period, I unlocked the option for real.

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A couple of Abbax' outfits. Sadly, I didn't get the chance to dress her up much on the live servers.

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Yalashi Peachblossom is an NPC in my fancomic, and I generated her in character creation for ref screenies and later on a secondary account just for kicks and giggles.

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I designed a couple of nice outfits for Zorek in live, though there was no way to get the Highwayman or Formal costume unlocks on my secondary accounts. But that's what fLex Fashion is for! :D

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