Zekken No.6 Flight In My Room[ゼッケン屋][パチュリー・ノーレッジ]

Overcoming Soul TOHO[DiGiTAL WiNG][駒草山如]

Bloody Hellfire[EastNewSound][レミリア・スカーレット]

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曼珠沙華 - 紫咲ほたる - EastNewSound OriginalBest vol.1

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I just voted no on the recall because fuck Larry Elder. Because the recall is a fat, stupid waste of time, money, and resources, here's MONSTERS!!
1. Pale Man
2. Nessie
3. Styrzyga
4. Wendigo

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My new fursona! Finally I have a new buddy to love! Beebo the red deer!

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A few of today’s notable baseball birthdays: Danny Murphy, Vada Pinson, Pablo Sandoval, Bobo Newsom

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Let me take you to the moon
Escape the satellites and all their chatter
Everybody's joining soon
Let me take you to the moon

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something new will coming, i still working in some things but will be

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Para o espero que goste ^w^
Desculpa, eu fiz do meu jeito, já fiz a algum tempo mas não postei ;w;

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