TIL: Belugas and Narwhals can make hybrid children...called Narlugas O_O

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Drawings from last year, for an Animals Illustrated book about narwhals by Inhabit Media

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XMAS PRESENT IDEA: my book Untitled Ape's Epic Adventure- it's got monsters, gags, mountains, narwhals, clouds, etc: https://t.co/o9D7kyhXzD

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Narwhals, krakens and hyrdas, oh my! This Swiss folio dates from the mid-1600s, from Merian's Historiae Naturalis.

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Anyone here have weapon proficiency in Narwhals? Anyone? https://t.co/nD60jTLWvZ

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Narwhals. Another pre con commission.

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Squid soup for the day
Didn't know that narwhals are whales haha

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Drawing rainbow narwhals is super fun!

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Finished up some Narwhals!

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Here's a couple of Narwhals in a minty sea for green

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Sometimes its easy to forget how awesome gnarwhals are, luckily Sam Branton hasn't http://t.co/sM14W8NSpL

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NARWHALS NARWHALS SWIMMING IN THE OCEAN. I can't get this song put of my head now! UGH!

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Oh and i almost forgot I still have a few Narwhals for sale https://t.co/kqHF5J5Csm

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The truth about narwhals.

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Woo hoo narwhals and red pandas. What more can you want from a blog post: http://t.co/8vaZvTHRka

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Been drawing and animals beginning with R today for the

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