131.) Garden of Avalon
Not gonna lie this had me bawling by the end lol.
Nasu's short retelling of the Arthurian legend is a simple but effective punch to the gut.
And serves as another beautiful reminder of how good a character Artoria is

5 25

Reason why I like Nasu is that his probably the most "I cant hide my love for my characters, story and those who worked on this" creator I know.
His stories maybe less literature and more game and pulp fiction-y, but that honesty to what he loves is why I love his stories.

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Happy birthday to Takashi Takeuchi on August 28! 1973.
Crazy how 20 years flys by that you built up the typemoon franchise with Nasu.

2 6

Nasu's love for Saber Wars and Servant Universe will always be funny.
He made a parody universe, which he on whim took it seriously. Now loves it.
Some fans may fear this.
But his planning. He sure is planning on the Return to Servant Universe.
Saber Wars 3 Baby.

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「Nasu Grave Puyo Puyo」でやってみたら、なにやら見知らぬ子が

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The Kohaku route is flawed but I still think its really good. If you know the history behind it too it really shouldn't exist but the people who beta tested Tsukihime loved Kohaku so much Nasu felt compelled to write a route for her the week before Tsuki was finalized

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The rare occasion Nasu's writing and Takeuchi's art didnt line up lol

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 ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二⊃
      |    /     
       ( ヽノ
   三  レレ

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Se a backstory da Noel for só um malabarismo pro Nasu aplicar fan service em TsukiRE e principalmente se for pra pedófilo eu vou mandar todo mundo que gosta desse filho da puta enfiar uma serra no cu e começar a rasgar

0 4




9月18日RE NASU fes vol.1

10月1日 大空マルシェ




2 14

Thats two Blonde woman written by Kinoku Nasu and Drawn by Takeshi Takeuchi that had me crying my eyes out.
Jesus wept Nasu whyyyyyyyyyyy

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It's really interesting how some series use the concept of 理 or Kotowari

Some of my favorites use it like:
Nasu: Ea's Reasons & the Human Order
Masada: A God's Law in DI/K3
SMT Nocturne: The Reasons
Kiseki/Trails: "Understanding of the True Nature All Things" and Divergent Laws

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オリキャラ楽描き バニーの日と聞いてバニーDr.NASU

2 5

Look its all his fault.
Nasu wanted a Womanizing Idiot like him but accidentally ramp it up and forgotten the serious portion.
It cant be helped.
Nasu wanted to meme Lancelot like his "origin"...
Perhaps Nasu always intended to meme him...

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Artoria means so much to me as and I will forever be thankful to Nasu and Takeuchi for creating a character who taught me so much about life and leadership.

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Did you know that you can read Tsukihime today by clicking this link https://t.co/s67Oxs9Dwt. Tsukihime is the first visual novel produced by the company known as Type-Moon and it’s writer Kinoko Nasu with character designs by Takashi Takeuchi. https://t.co/HVNfjuzxdU

10 79

22. Fate/Hollow Ataraxia
A fantastic supplemental reading to F/SN that I cant recommend enough. Nasu's character writing significantly improved from F/SN, making every character in the original game much more enjoyable as well as the newcomers here. I am Caren's strongest warrior

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aitsf spoilers /
in 49th and 48th place we have HANAYO NASU (OR KAYO NASU THE LOCALISATION WAS WEIRD HERE) and MANAKA IWAI, both with 4 votes! i too love divorce

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