Me and my friend’s oc with the slytherin boys

13 77

J'ai pu trouvé un peu temps pour dessiner >< mais les prochains jours vont être hard, vivement la fin du déménagement+travaux !
My baby Helena Drake, la grandmama de Hanna
J'adore trop Ominis et Sebastian raa je veux les hugs fort!

1 24

畫一下主控跟塞巴斯醬奧米醬穿一樣的制服 就因為我選了比較娘的臉遊戲就不讓我穿西裝(明明是男宿舍🙄 史萊哲林鐵三角真的很香

13 63

I don’t thin Ominis is happy with Sebastian!?

12 81

With shrouded eyes you shall witness your judgement, just as the blind justice gazes at her scales.

500 1738

เราเล่นเนื้อเรื่องขอน้องจบแล้วละเหลือเพียงเควสจบการศึกษาของน้องนิค งุยยยย

6 24

"I repeatedly assure Ominis he did what he had to, but he still hasn't forgiven himself."

16 83

I don't know...this just popped up in my head LMAO.

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Ominis greatest regret is turning in Sebastian to authority and sending him to Azkaban. He often cries his lungs out in the undercroft, cursing himself knowing Seb is being tortured by the dementors.

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