*Muffled rage noises* Let her process the news that her girlfriend murdered some people. (I think this issue is part of the cycle where I just want to defend Laura from all the bad things)

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Counting down the pages until Hazel's gone and I can stop thinking about how infuriating her obfuscation and willful ignorance are.

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This is legitimate emotional distress, not exasperation that someone has done something inconvenient. Sakhmet's rampage feels to Laura like a betrayal even though we know the circumstances largely didn't have anything to do with Laura.

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The symbolism of Baal and Sakhmet's first performances as indicators of how Laura would relate to them is wild.

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Also, to make Laura's day all kinds of worse, she gets news about the massacre via a Luci cosplayer that she hooked up with after hearing she couldn't help anything.

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The stone knife has some real staying power. How is she just slicing through bone so cleanly with it?

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I get that Lucifer goes mad and everyone is terrified, but it still baffles me that Ananke is able to come and go so freely even before this moment.

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Ananke tells the truth again. It was this issue specifically that really screwed with my perception of her. She's unrelentingly earnest about Lucifer needing to die, and I wondered if maybe there was something important happening that required the gods' deaths.

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It's a shame this Lucifer is by himself. He's got a strong suspicion of Ananke's motives that might have helped foil her plans for this cycle. Unlikely he could have actually interrupted it the way that Laura does though.

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Julius isn't beholden to any Elevator the way Lucifer is. Ananke doesn't figure in with this origin story.

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Gods shedding one identity to take up another isn't unusual in WicDiv (see Nergal), but there's something especially intriguing about this Lucifer rejecting the identity Ananke gave him completely.

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Initially, I read this as Lucifer expressing sadness that his lover is dead because of Ananke, but there's something in that "believed in me" that goes deeper.

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Kieron takes one of the key rituals in a Roman imperial coronation and uses it to echo the big epiphany of and underline that Lucifer doesn't buy that stuff.

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Good morning! Let's talk about the one where Lucifer Triumphs and then has an extremely ignominious end.

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Seeing Ananke legitimately crying is weird. I find her continual humanization as a character irksome given just how much murder she's done in her very long life.

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So Ruth's still totally culpable for all the murder that follows this, but I'm not going to excuse Hazel from again doing something stupid and thoughtlessly destructive. There are ways to give Sakhmet news and this was not one of them.

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