“That adorable look they give me when their panties are soaked and they finally give in to the pleasure I’m offering is the reward I love when training a new pet~ look at little lumine~ she can’t even cum without my touch these days~”

2 12

“So you don’t like the food we sever you here? Well then let me give you an endless supply Fresh cock cream~ have fun~ don’t worry. The machine won’t let you drown. It’ll stop every time you need air and then pick back up right after you recover!”

5 29

She sat at the table eating her breakfast quietly.. in the other room she heard people arguing... she was a little scared she was the one taking the hits.

As she moves her head to the window someone walked in behind her. She had no clue.

1 1

“keep telling yourself that~ your little sister is not going anywhere and since you broke in you’re going to be joining her in one of these cells soon!”

Eva laughs at eldest Schnee sister trying to free her sister weiss.

3 9

If there is anyone interested in plotting out a lewd RP sometime like and retweet this post, as I'll decide if I would like to RP with you as I'm very selective of who I RP with. I'm sorry to all the one liners or "hello" people out there as I won't be replying to you.

26 68

You had been captured by Cinder. You thought you would be killed but instead you have been bound and placed in a humiliating position. Your chains rattle and your latex creaks as you squirm.

“Does my little trophy like her bondage?~”

3 18

Whenever a prison riot takes place Lizzy will find the instigator and immediately use them as an example. Leaving them on display and within reach of the more…cruel offenders. She lets the prisoners watch what happens if they step out of line.

4 17

“Yes good. Seems like the breeding process is going along well~ soon I’ll have an army of faunas grimm hybrids at my disposal~ don’t worry though. You’ll survive the birthing process of sweet pet~ you’ll love it~ more than anything~”

3 15

Retweet you sexy people

Smolder the Queen of dragons~


18+ Only


Likes: Everything

Dislikes: nothing


277 509

More fun in the sun though I wish there was someone to accompanying me for more of it.~

🔁 + ❤ if you like to join her.~

8 17

"A-aha....oh jeez...i didn't expect such a mess..." *she gave a nervous chuckle* "w-we should probably clean up..things might get more intense if we don't...heh..."

3 14

"Oh, so you want to get fucked, uh? You know what to do!~"

💟 & 🔄

5 9

🎨Name: Amelia (I don’t have a last name so anything doesn’t matters)

🎨Age: 18-30 (can be fluid with her age as long as she’s an adult)

🎨Quirk: drawing, anything she draws she can make it come to life.

38 45

“A fitting punishment for a slut who dared try to rebel against my divine authority. Now she’s trapped forever unless I decide to break her free~ she’ll be the perfect ornament in my garden~”

3 17

Neo loves to fuck busty women. DMs are one hundred percent open for all the busty gals~❤

7 23

"Does anybody want to have a good time with me? I promise it'll be really fun, wet, dirty and sexy.~"


Live + Retweet + Follow (if you'd like)

1 2

I need more interactions.... comment a pic and like. And retweet. I'll give you a answer. If you get 4+ you may enter dms~ dont let this one flop :(

4 19

".. hmm.." *Nikki pondered to herself as she stood in the water of the beach* "...i feel like I'm getting a little chubby....plus this outfit is revealing so much."

*you seem to notice this nearby. What do you do?*

(and yes, for those who do that)

2 7

Shes alittle nervous as the reader watches her
"W-why you staring! D-do you see something you like?~"

4 15