New visual for the anime adaptation of the light novels by Saeki-san and Hanekoto, "Otonari no Tenshi-sama ni Itsunomanika Dame Ningen ni Sareteita Ken", produced by Project No.9 studios, scheduled to premiere in 2023.

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New information related the anime adaptation of the light novels by Saeki-san and Hanekoto, "Otonari no Tenshi-sama ni Itsunomanika Dame Ningen ni Sareteita Ken", will be revealed on September 10, 2022.

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เพิ่มเติมคือมีไอเดีย และสกิลวาดรูปที่มากขึ้น


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الرسوم التوضيحية للمجلد السابع لرواية Otonari no Tenshi-sama ni Itsunomanika Dame Ningen ni Sareteita Ken الخفيفة

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Relecture tome 1 otonari ✅ toujours aussi excellent à lire. J’aime beaucoup trop la relation amane - mahiru. L’amitié d’amane et d’itsuki et chitose aussi. La mère d’amane comme dhab >>>>>.
Je lirai le tome 2 un peu plus tard

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Oh no...

PD: Basado en un panel de Batsuichi De Nakimushi Na Otonarisan

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Roshidere Volume 1 ✅
Mhhhh good volume, i really like Arya, i cant wait to read the second volume… BUT, I HAVE TO READ OTONARI NO PEAK FICT… TENSHI-SAMA VOLUME 6 FIRST

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ma redonner envie de relire otonari donc c’est parti pour une relecture ce soir

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Color art - Mahiru Shiina
LN: The Angel Next Door Spoils Me Rotten (Volume 6)

The angel😍

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Otonari no Tenshi-sama Volume 5.5 ✅
Great volume, i really liked this set of short story, thanks to it, i could really see again how close Mahiru and Amane were before they get together. But ESPECIALLY, how much Mahiru loved Amane before they get together, it waw amazing

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Fanart of Karasuma from Batsuichide Nakimushina Otonarisan by !


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Otonari no Tenshi-sama Volume 5 ✅
Aaaahhhhhh this volume was amazing, Mahiru is always so cute…
This volume is quite different that the previous ones now that their relationship changed, i really enjoyed reading about their relationship develop little by little now that

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Cover for Vol.7 of the light novels written by Saeki-san and illustrated by Hanekoto, "Otonari no Tenshi-sama ni Itsunomanika Dame Ningen ni Sareteita Ken", on sale September 14, 2022.

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🆕🇯🇵'Otonari no Yakuza' de Ninn Yoshida (). Naoichi y Lee son vecinos y se sienten atraídos el uno por el otro pero no son la mejor compañía... ¡un robo los une más que nunca! Brite Publishing.

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Otonari no Tenshi-sama Volume 2 ✅
Just, waw, this LN is really the best romcom that i never read/seen, absolutly NO romcom comes close to it among all those i've read/seen.
The way the relationship between Mahiru and Amane develops is amazing, Mahiru is amazing, beautiful,

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【The Angel Next Door Spoils Me Rotten】
New key visual released
Visual PV :
Source Twitter :
Anime will premier in Japan on 2023

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Otonari no Tenshi-sama Volume 1 ✅
AAAHHHHHHHH I LOVE THIS LN, it is AMAZING. It’s really a sweet LN, with a slow and adorable romantic comedy and… and… and MAHIRU, OH DAMN, i love her, i want to marry her

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Pretty cool having Otonari no Tenshi-sama's anime art coincide with the official LN covers.

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Um novo visual foi lançado para a adaptação em anime da LN "The Angel Next Door Spoils Me Rotten (Otonari no Tenshi-sama)", estrelado por Mahiru Shiina. A série será lançada em 2023 sob a produção do estúdio do project No.9.

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