Welcome to
🎒 Today we are chatting about tips and tricks for transitioning back to F2F learning.
🗺️ Please introduce yourself, your title, and where you are chatting from.
💡 New to our chat? We have one topic with lots of great conversation! Glad you came!

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If you are new to I'll archive the chat in a collection and tag you in it so you can check out the resources or follow new Twitter peeps. Feel free to keep on chatting using our hashtag. :)

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Hi Pam, an Instructional Coach in Charleston, SC. So happy to chat with y'all today!

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For most of us we are just past the mid-year point. This year has been especially challenging for most of us, both staff and students.

How do we keep the momentum going?

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Good morning ! Kimberly, K-5 Reading specialist from a slowly thawing out north Texas! I slept without an alarm today!

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In case you are new to the chat, I will archive this convo in a collection and tag you in it so you can go back and look for the titles you missed! Love all your ideas!

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Morning I'm Pam Hubler, an Instructional Coach in Charleston, SC. ready to talk about books!

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Good morning ! Kimberly, K-5 Reading specialist in north TX. Ready to share some shoutouts and find new friends to follow!

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I've been writing a post for a while on the Lies we tell ourselves as educators, so I thought another chat would be helpful to finish it up!

One lie I have to chase out of my head is "Something else will make you happy".

What are yours?

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Good morning We're so glad you joined us this morning to chat about "Teacher Self-Talk". I like to think of it as a part of changing those lies we often tell ourselves.

Please introduce yourself and where you are chatting from.

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So... what has been your go-to tech strategy and/or tool during all this craziness?

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Good morning ! Kimberly, K-5 Reading specialist from north TX here to learn from this awesome group!

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I love that is talking about Google this morning! Continue the conversation at 8:30 with to share tech tips for blended and/or virtual learning!

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Today was awesome! Thanks for coming today!

See you next week at the same time!

If you have any topics you'd like to chat about, please let us know. We're always willing to switch things up a bit!

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Happy Saturday everyone! Welcome to If you haven't joined us before, we chat for 30 minutes on a topic without a set of Q's to respond to (just a prompt). Today we are talking about

Introduce yourself, tell us where you are chatting from, and your title.

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We hope you'll join today for a chat at 8:30!
Do you have self-care goals this year?
Favorite ideas/tips?
People/groups to follow?

See you in 30 minutes!

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Ya'll have a wonderful day!

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Good morning ! Kimberly, K-5 Reading specialist from north TX. Happy New Year everyone!

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I will archive the chat from today and tag you in a collection! Mark your calendars for 1/9 to chat about our I'm still thinking what I want mine to be!

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Hi! I'm Pam Hubler, an Instructional Coach in Charleston, SC. and co-moderator of

I love chatting with y'all every Saturday morning!

Let's chat!

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