Next campaign for is DEFINITELY going to be a Planescape campaign. That way, if they try to spend three months shopping, I can just have the Lady show up and maze them.

1 5

When we had a limited time offer McRib at McOinoloths, it was right after that "unfortunate incident" that involved the yagnoloth assistant manager, the deep fryer, and telekinesis. Hated that yagnoloth. *innocent preen*

1 12

We used to make the larvae fries with infant tallow, but in the 80s it got changed to leshy oil as a "healthy" measure, but really it was just a cost savings thing. Also, we didn't change the oil for like a week at a time.

5 18

Hear me out here:

Foie gras, but sourced from halflings. Like ducklings never weaned from the gavage, those greedy little mortals will happily gorge themselves right up to (my) dinner time! *preen*

1 4

Zola the arcanist... hell if they knows what power they posess but it doesn't stop them.

3 31

What's your favourite RPG setting & style? Classic D&D? Dark Sun? Dragonlance? Forgotten Realms? Planescape? Pathfinder? Low or High Fantasy? Dark Fantasy? Post-Apocalypse? Sci-Fi? Cyberpunk? Open World? Join the Kickstarter:

7 21

Well, I suppose I should take today to finish up all this paperwork. I mean someone has to sign someone else's name and arrange to have the documents placed somewhere to be found after those adventurers inexplicably murder themselves. *preen*

1 3

Yugoloth rule
Don't expect me to respect you just because you're NE too.

Corollary to Rule
Don't expect me to respect you just because you're another 'loth.

Shemmy Addendum to Corollary:
Don't expect me to respect anyone but myself. *preen*

3 12

Today's thoughts, mid-Pandemic:

If I had the Civic Festhall burned to the ground*, would anyone notice right now? *preen*

*with about three dozen specific people locked inside at the time

1 12

Well if there's one positive about this pandemic having everyone stuck at home under self-quarantine is that food and other delivery services are making bank.

A -wonderful- total coincidence that I basically own the Runners and Messengers Guild! *preen*

2 4

Here’s THE A TO Zs OF MY HOME CAMPAIGN - V is for Vargouille! I don’t know... they just look cool... and there’s just something rad about swatting flying demon heads outta the sky. Art by Tony DiTerlizzi for Planescape.

1 14

During these difficult times of crisis and despair of an ongoing pandemic, please understand that one thing remains constant:

I am and remain better than all of you. *preen*

1 12

felt like drawing the world's saddest ghost girl, aka deionarra from planescape torment 👻

6 30

Some of us are handling pandemic quarantine isolation better than others. I'm doing perfectly fine by myself, spending quality time with the only person who matters to me: ME. Thank you very much. *preen*

(art by Nanihoo on DA)

2 13

Will no one rid me of this turbulent overly talkative bespectacled "friendly" magic shop owner in the Lower Ward?


3 8

Yugoloth Rule

Always poison the wine, the cake, and your lipstick. If the people at your business meeting die because they're too trusting, or didn't take precautions, you didn't want to work with them. Plus you can loot the bodies. *preen*

8 23

Unlike Zoom meetings, when communing with the ultroloths of Khin-Oin via sendings or cross-planar telepathic link, you don't have to wear clothes. Of course if you have zero respect for them, you just planar project in the buff and give no shits. *preen*

2 7

Tony DiTerlizzi's art for the Planescape setting is superb. That guy can do things with a pencil that would turn your hair, well, pencil-colored.

11 31

As a yugoloth I'm immune to disease, but I'm doing this social distancing thing too, for the sake of my highly trained lackeys. This however leads to my meetings being mostly via projected images, while I'm sitting at home, a bit less primped than usual.

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Sketching some ideas for a project I have in mind! Just trying to concept out a bard idea! Costume is still in flux, just trying to find something that has a simple flow to it and scans as a dancer/bard!

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