They give mad sibling vibes and I love all of their interactions. The absolute panic in both of their voices during Grian’s “gift” to Pearl 💀 I was in tears

1 19

based on a conversation i had with my friend but merry christmas

74 1090

C0mmissioned art: Hermitcraft Royal AU fic with Pearl and Grian as siblings :D


6 59

If you were stranded on a deserted island with PearlescentMoon, Codboy Jimmy and FalseSymmetry, what one item would you bring with you?

1 14

"i told you i'm not this santa perla person. why don't you believe me?"

82 618

I hate how I drew this, it looks like I just got them from cheap movie companies, but anyways, here you go

8 41

Some things are always meant to happen. Lets celebrate the change that didn't take place.

60 572

Lord Sausage has a secret stan account for PearlescentMoon!

4 23

hi PearlescentMoon um. you're such a scrunkly scrimblo a what a little. spoingle maybe even a mipy

7 28

Princess Gem is going to court for shoplifting, and PearlescentMoon is their lawyer. Are they going to jail?

3 27

hi guys I’ve been thinking about a hunger games trafficsmp au

163 1268