
? ? ?

bakit papapi ????

(( I know it means Paliparang Pandaigdig ng Pilipinas but still ??? ngayon talaga guys? huhuh ))

9 53

Inspired to do my version of the the Alice in Wonderland Dream for Mikhail and Archer after seeing this one: 's

Interact/ask actors over at:

4 33

Bao: "I can do anything I want to you two because...."

8 46

"The Demon M"


Also because Bad Guy and Bury a Friend came up as songs on the playlist so

tbh i was trynna do an alice in the wonderland, i ended up with this XDD

3 28

To because I love this two adorable waifus.

To Milo: How do you handle these two waifu of your? (>////<)

0 2

Terrence and Sad days

It’s ok not to be ok sometimes.

4 45

abigail’s mood nowadays

4 38

Dreaming about someone could simply be a manifestation of your infatuation or attraction towards them. If the person likes you back, the dream signifies your acceptance, self-confidence and self-respect.

2 42

Meiji: "Oh, were you looking at my a**? ~ ♥"


(( Living with your perverted BF/Boss be like ))


5 23

Idol AU

Elena is an up and coming Idol while Akio is this passerby who falls for her

9 56

OTP Prompt
Generator says:

RIP Akio, your anime will be missed.

11 84

(( why do you enjoy being hated so much i just cant ))

(( yes it's that cat knife meme ))

8 41

Initially, the 2 powers relied on one another because of their same interest which was stopping Spain and Russia from expanding their powers.


the English said it was because the French didn’t send aid during the Anglo-Spanish War of 1727–1729 that it ended.

2 27

Abel: "Emilio, dear--! Dear dear dear, not here, please, not here ;;;;"

Abel discovering Emilio's well, you know ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

5 42