So after posting a big art dump on my dA, I'm gonna share here the pieces I had most fun with. Starting with a gift for , featuring his cast of OCs in a kinda-MMZ lineup and inspired style.~

From left to right there's Poe, Magoh, Mandy and Pastori.~

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Sampurasun! Nepangkeun ngaran urang Kenny, jelema Padalarang.

Urang biasana ngagambar lalaki jeung awewe luas luis geulis pisan (hereuy.. unless?) jeung fanart.

Dina hiji poe, urang teu boga duit kasarna mah. Urang kudu nyokot ieu kasempetan. Plus, tools CSP alus pisan!

1 6

Ti vidi nel tuo giorno nuziale
e t' invase una vampata di rossore,
quantunque felicità ti brillasse d' intorno
e il mondo fosse tutto amore innanzi a te.

Edgar Allan Poe, Canto

16 22

Ben: *Emergency Meeting* VOTE ME OUT
Others (Poe, Finn, etc): Huh??

7 40

Hola! Por fin he terminado el de . Esta es su Mollyon con Poe, su guisante. Espero que te guste! Nunca habia dibujado tanto detalle!! Pero tratandose de quien es, era logico!

23 51

Enter the realm of Terra Somnium, where Edgar Allan Poe and his faithful guide, Irving Rat, journey through a labyrinthine world full of mythical creatures, dangerous quests, all inside the head of Poe!The Imaginary Voyages of Edgar Allan Poe, Vol 1 & 2

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Poe, Kenji, Sasara e Riddle

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The most darling ♥

- Akane Meriotte
Grave Domain Cleric

"Let my heart be still a moment and this mystery explore..."
~Edgar Allan Poe, The Raven

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I dislike Poe, I love Oscar Isaac and him and I agree that he should’ve stayed dead in TFA.

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Also you’ll be seeing this girl a lot on here. This is my main OC Rose Poe, and I’ve had her since I was in the 7th grade. Time flies! These were from last year

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Baudelaire was influenced by Edgar Allan Poe, and his translations of Poe's work became definitive to know the American writer's narratives in Europe. Baudelaire commented that Poe's death was "almost a suicide, a suicide prepared for a long time". 2/5

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Who cares if the world is ending when you have a guy like Poe, amirite?

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My Route 1 Pokémon:
Marpelt & Marterade
Chopoe, Hoopero, & Neropoe


Based on martens & hoopoes

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i come bearing some new badly drawn stickers, this time ft. the guild !! yes i will eventually add lucy, poe, etc but i think i will do those with some others!!

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Chuuya, Poe, Tachihara, Yumeno

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I am Poe, a primarily TES art hobbyist who tries to draw from time to time.

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In 1976, Berni Wrightson turned his attention to Edgar Allan Poe, creating eight indelibly intricate and eerie paintings, each inspired by the text of a classic Poe tale.

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Moto Hagio continue ce mois-ci la publication de son dernier chapitre de POE no ICHIZUKU, intitulé LE JARDIN SECRET, il met en scène les aventures de Edgar et Allan Poe, membres d'un clan de vampires maudits.

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i like how margaret is right in the front but poe, lucy, and louisa (who all get way more screentime) are nowhere to be seen

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Edgar Allan Poe, The Science Fiction of Edgar Allan Poe, Penguin, 1982. Cover: Odilon Redon.

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