547 - Whimsicott
Type: Grass / Fairy

Abilities: Prankster, Infiltrator, Chlorophyll

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546 - Cottonee
Type: Grass / Fairy

Abilities: Prankster, Infiltrator, Chlorophyll

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509 - Purrloin
Type: Dark

Abilities: Limber, Unburden, Prankster

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Pixies are perhaps the most famous of all fairies, they look like beautiful adults but are the height of children and have colorful wings. Pixies are insufferable pranksters, but are still mostly benevolent and usually protect humans more malignant fae.

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447 - Riolu
Type: Fighting

Abilities: Steadfast, Inner-focus, Prankster

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On this day in 2010 (12 years ago already!?), Zoroark made their video game debut after previously appearing in the Pokemon anime a couple months earlier!

Ever the prankster, Zoroark loves to pull tricks and pranks on the fellow residents of Video Game Apartments.

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SNS-Month project! ✨ I always wanted to create a DJ in a DC!AU with Naruto as the Joker.. well, 'Prankster' in this case and Sasuke as Batman, or 'Batcat'. There will be more characters and it's mostly practice for me since it's my first time, but I still hope you'll like it ♡

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I didn't expect the poll to have an overwhelming vote on this backstory, so here you go, Firbko is canon!
She's a little bit of a prankster sometimes, but Firbo is actually my most kindhearted, fun, and loving character,,

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Smol prankster Majin! Nu lewd °^°

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Tsuko's true identity! It was just Firbo using her dark matter to pretend to be another person all along. What a prankster...

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314 - Illumise
Type: Bug

Abilities: Oblivious, Tinted-lens, Prankster

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302 - Sableye
Type: Dark / Ghost

Abilities: Keen-eye, Stall, Prankster

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Name: Lanturn

Type: Ghost / Fire

Ability: Prankster / Flame Body

Hidden Ability: Shadow Tag

❤️'s & 🔁's appreciated 😄

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198 - Murkrow
Type: Dark / Flying

Abilities: Insomnia, Super-luck, Prankster

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Things got a little progress, so imma show off this visual to another Hazbin OC of mine. MuMu! He a silly lil’ prankster of a Dragonfly! (Art by )

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