I’m participating in and since people like the sketch so much, here’s day 2, color picking. Now that I’ve posted it online I see a bunch of mistakes but luckily this is a so I can still fix them.#prodigalson

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"You're the one i like talking to and i promise, i'm gonna do better"

Bright listened to what Dani was saying, took that to heart and want to work more on building their friendship. Can't say enough how much i love them😍

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Dani has been drawn :DD!! Wooo 6 of 8 done, Im hoping to finish drawing JT and Gil before the episode starts tonight!!!

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5 1/2 hours later, the Whitly family has been drawn! 5/8 done!! I had a ton of fun doing these!!! I'll be drawing Dani, Gil, and JT tomorrow!! :D

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AAA Edrisa is adorable and I love her. Im giving drawing all the characters from a shot, and heres Edrisa! :DD

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Literally could not resist making these. I tried. Happy Monday! Give one to a fellow Prodigy you love. 😘

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DR. WHITLY is a BEAR. Thanks for this lovely idea!

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Everyone stops being your friend when they find out you’re a serial killer

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Keep me off twitter so I can get some drawing done. Here’s a work in progress...

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Ah, Monday. That special day of the week you make sure your eyelids are firmly stapled to your forehead in order not to miss at 9/8c, on

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Though he doesn't really need much convincing, Kilgrave always gave that extra little push.
Art by: (I'm always so amazed and love what they give me)

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As Dr. Whitley takes hold of a scalpel for the first time in 20 years, he looks at the camera.

Thank you for inspiring me to get out of my comfort zone and learn new things. In a way this is me trying to give back to you and the fandom -Thank you all.

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My life has not known peace since the image of lurking in the dark as a sheep took up residence in my brain.... Wait, does this mean Aziraphale’s demon animal would be a sheep?!

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I’m pretty sure poor Malcolm is losing his marbles. I love him anyways. (Psssst anyone else notice the lighting choices in the show and want to discuss them with me?)

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32 hours to day aka dani appreciation day aka my favourite national holiday

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