Krampus was pleased to deal with 2020s naughtiest little boy...

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Here you go... today isn’t my best so have a freebie from a previous doodle as an add on

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Finally in the year 2020 a sense of calm descended upon king George as it finally became clear that he was no longer seen as the craziest man to run a country...

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Bit late with my leviathan

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It was oddly calm that night. The reflections almost as clear as the objects themselves. It was then he realised he’d need a bigger boat...

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Old Edvard Munch loved his selfies . Today’s

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The soul of the snowman is an eternal transcendental carrot. Today’s

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Not sure why I thought of drawing a Simpsons gag except it was fun to do for a

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Modern squirrels don’t go out and collect nuts they order them on the internet and then don’t even bother opening the boxes. Today’s

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Who needs to sleep on a giant hoard of gold when you’ve got a hotty botty?

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Be aware if you do decide to breed war dragons they will absolutely steal your favourite hot water bottle. A

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The spirit of cycling still wears a helmet to set a good example

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