I'm donating this piece Meiying to held by for victims & families of https://t.co/ppMyENAIAz

0 1

So sad, emerging artist Khadija Saye confirmed victim of horrific —> https://t.co/kyXnHoeJRk

0 0

My cartoon from today's after start today
is the wrong woman for the job

1 4

How about keeping Grenfell Tower as it is. Not a war grave, but a class war grave. And a monument to hubris, profit, and stupidity.

2315 3916

My cartoon Saturday on inadequate response to

600 928

Demand an Inquest. Everyone. Grenfell Tower https://t.co/XAn2IGu4vd

1 1

Our comrade and artists with this piece for our martyrs.

7 7

Whoever says that "lessons will be learned need the following

3 4

Theresa May makes a cowardly retreat from grieving residents through side entrance of church near

412 276

A tragedy waiting to happen - Grenfell Tower engulfed by flames Seamus Jennings - political cartoon gallery in Putney

21 25

When a traumatic event occurs, children see how empathising with those affected is vital.
Illustration from

6 14

Burning questions must be answered about my drawing for tomorrow's

19 21

Anyone at Tennessee RenFest know the vendor who made this? (1/2)

0 1

🌊 🌴 🌊

~ 🇮🇹 I primi nomi confermati!

~ 🇬🇧 First confirmed names!

8 15