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[ ] shh this ship just scratches an itch for me okay. also read my fic that the first pic is a poster for <33 https://t.co/tG3VEZJZLq

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Come little children, I’ll take thee away, into a land of enchantment. Come little children, the time’s come to play, here in my garden of magic.

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Cw // SPOILER Archon quest spoiler

Babu! Tanya dong, yang dimaksud "First sage buer" nih apa ya? Sender ga skip dialog tapi masih belum paham. Mohon pencerahannya TIA!!

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So this quote has nothing to do with this but it feels right. “I am both a night owl and an early bird. So I am wise and have worms.” -Steve Carell
Character: _honia.art

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“If only one could tell true love from false love as one can tell mushrooms from toadstools.” -Katherine Mansfield

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“Winter is an etching, spring a watercolor, summer an oil painting and autumn a mosaic of them all," -Stanley Horowitz.

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Commission for AsoraHanabi 🎀
Thank you so very much for commissioning me and for your patience!

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New artwork and extremely self-indulgent at that 😬 Here are and as the Masters with the Eighth Doctor tumbling into a Mirror Universe nightmare!

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thinking about my first terrahan ever
who is this

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Contoh referensinya, rahang lebih tegas, leher agak besar, mata terlihat tajam, bisa ditambahkan brewok atau kumis, biasanya badannya lebih bulky, di webtoon castle rata-rata cowoknya LAKIK banget coba baca webtoon castle nder

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Rahang tegas, matanya jangan terlalu gede, trus hidungnya mancung gitu nder, kalo aku biasanya gambar tulang pipi yang mayan nonjol buat ngasi kesan tegas

Oh ya, badan juga faktor penting dalam menggambar cogan 😇 semangat ya nderr

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