[Flood and Rakyat] : 🚨 Auction 🚨

Bid end: 9pm tonight.
Auto win: 2bnb
70% will be donated to Flood rescue project that need fund to help Flood Survival.

Help me RT 💙❤️💛🖤🤍

Visit: https://t.co/0Qi12RzzjD now

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Kisah Banjir 2021 di Malaysia. I draw what I saw, but there are so many things happen. Tak dapat nak letak semua. Aku tahu rakyat Malaysia boleh faham lukisan ni, sebab kita semua tengok benda yang sama.

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Tau nggak nih, ternyata Teori Big Bang itu bukan teori pertama yg menjelaskan pembentukan alam semesta lhoo

Tapi ada satu firman-Nya yg justru lebih dulu menjelaskan ttg penciptaan bumi yg kita pijak sekarang ini😬

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Spicy version for the other MERAKyats who need to halu together.

24 95

Sent over some of my works to . All proceeds will be donated to the flood victims.

Spread the word, check out the artworks by many talented artists' .


10 11

donated two pieces of mine to , all proceeds go to charities helping flood victims 💯

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Reine, you're a pokemon master now. You're free to roam the world, hunt, fish all you like! This is my gift to you, to cherish a moment where you make me and other MERAKyats fell in love with you (again) 💙

Art by . Thank you so much!

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Thank you to & for purchasing this. Your donation has been transferred to flood charity fund. Moga dimurahkan rezeki kalian semua. Stay safe!

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Pelempunking idiots that appeared during this hard moment. 👋💥 100% of the sales from this will go to and gang's flood charity fund. LFG, guys!


0.04 each

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I had to take a short social media break since the flood updates are overwhelming to me, but I did try my best to help around.

In conclusion... At the end of the day, it is always

55 205

Update on this Wood with 0.08 by


100% sale will added to Charity organize by ❗️


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Godam & Tira Movie. Dan ini bukan first look baru, ya, Rakyat. Ini first look lama. But, still interesting.

Serial Tira akan digarap dan tayang di Disney+.

📸 Instagram Bumilangit Photo

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Judul : Th3 Ev1l L4dy W1ll Ch4ng3 (kuning)

Sender akhirnya lompat ke chapter 90 karena sebel banget sama si jelek ini. Kasih tau dong tindakan/kejahatan apa yg dia lakuin sampe kedudukan bangsawannya dicabut & jadi rakyat biasa?

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tahukah kalian gaes, kalo sekarang...

Gundala punya akun official.

Yep, bener banget!

Jangan lupa follow untuk dapetin info-info terbaru Gundala di https://t.co/dQDINUEpnf.

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Mempersembahkan, poster rasmi bagi Filem

Jangan lupa untuk saksikan Prebet Sapu, sebuah filem arahan Muzzamer Rahman khas untuk rakyat Malaysia.

370 691

Kalau terlihat poster ini dimana-mana pawagam berdekatan anda, jgn lupa tag kami! Yg penting, tonton filem ini bersama-sama kami bermula 16 Disember ini diseluruh Malaysia. Ayuh raikan kembali sinema Malaysia dgn menonton naskah terbaru Muzzamer Rahman khas utk rakyat Malaysia.

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