March 28, 1972: Walter E. Webber was raised a Master Mason in Casco Lodge No. 36 in Yarmouth, Maine.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins

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Uno dei dipinti che ritengo più rappresentativi del fascino misterioso che promana da
L'incantatrice di serpenti di Henri Rousseau
Non finisce di incantare

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William Wray

Ces tours de Babel qui irritent le ciel / These towers of Babel that irritate the sky

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Ihr wollt was sehen hier meine Favoriten.

Was gefällt euch?

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March 10, 1841: Henry L. Palmer was raised a Master Mason in Evening Star Lodge No. 75 in West Troy, New York.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins

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March 9, 1897: Frederic B. Stevens was raised a Master Mason in Union Lodge of Strict Observance No. 3 in Detroit, Michigan.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins

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I used to create my own "digicards" for my site
This is a variation of Angemon and Angewomon, they're AU12 Ryo Akiyama 's partners
In that timeline, fighting against corrupted Cherubimon, once they released the golden digieggs their digicodes were rewriten for good

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Can't pass up an opportunity to be judged apparently XD. I'm a poisonous dragon boi that can't remember stuff because my memory is randomly rewriten or deleted. Technically everything I remember is right though because space-time shenanigans

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2 personajes de confort y 5 mutuals para que hagan lo mismo! 💐😚

Quitando a Rin y Sess, estos dos me derriten de amor 💖💖💖

Sorry si puse a alguien que ya fue etiquetado antes 😅

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February 27, 1928: Norman Vincent Peale received the 32nd Degree in the Scottish Rite Valley of Syracuse, New York.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins

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Kann endlich Follower Emotes Hochladen. Drum hab ich alles Anlehnung an Games gemacht. 3 an Hollow Knight, 1 an Nier:Automata und 1 mit einem Naraguga. Mit Leo drin xd Meine Favoriten

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Full wrap-around cover for Inheritence, for which there is currnetly a kickstarter.

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Some guriten scenes from different AUs I'm writing with a friend :)

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Je ressors ce dessin de 2015 sur un petit souvenir de mon passage en EHPAD. A l’époque nous avions dénoncé ces pratiques mais jamais nous n’avons réellement été entendus. J’espère que les choses vont changer, pour de bon. Nos aînés méritent d’être traités avec humanité.

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tengo que dejar de dibujar tanto sudor jskajs
se derriten esos muchachos

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February 7, 1896: Leon M. Abbott joined the Scottish Rite, receiving the 4th to 14th degrees in the Valley of Boston.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins

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