//=time() ?>
More outfits for Darxkai now that I've inked & colored the 'paper doll' - the Swallowtail butterfly suit, cute harness, and last 2 were suggested by Rose: Chevesh's Panthress & Nogitsune outfits just for the heck of it ✨🌟✨
🌹MarieRose: you need to treat your hair better
🔥Lubu: 😓
I been playing #WarriorsAllStar and is great!
My favorite part is Marie having thing for Lu-Bu because he’s big 🙈
@ohnoJustinO 🦇 Chiro & Phee Blackswallow, my witchy twins
💋 Naoki who started as a LoK rp character but is now also a general pinup/vintage/glamour muse
🎪 Rose: circus acrobat (currently in peril)
🔮 Akina, psychic, college student, and very weary hexbreaker for hire.
A number of nicknames arose: the green fairy (la fée verte) was the most common but new nicknames developed through the half-century or so that constituted absinthe's golden age, especially as opposition began to emerge. Its detractors dubbed it “the queen of poisons”.
:>... You call them... The "Seductive" Rose for a reason eh?
🤣🤣🤣... Okay I'll stop
Seductive Rose: @TheFamousFilms
#OriginsMCRP #OriginsOfOlympus
Mermay week 4 22-25
Karl jacobs: mantis shrimp
Eret: beta fish
Niki nihachu: axolot
Hannahxxrose: idk pink fish
#karljacobsfanart #eretfanart #nikinihachufanart #hannahxxrosefanart #captianpuffyfanart @KarlJacobs_ @Eret @Eret_Fanart @Nihaachu @hannahxxrose
Lady Rose: In Gold is debuting June 7th. This sparkling gold special edition of our beloved romantic dusty ink is available for a limited time.
#FairyTalesAcademy #TwittwrFairyTalesAcademy #ocs #MediBang #MediBangPaint
Terminé a mi bbs 😭💖💗💞
El chibi xq sino no me daba tiempo terminarlos :(
Leo: Izuku (Deku)
Rose: Perséfone
my girl ann... I try to write it the way I understand it 👀
red rose: love, romance, desire. the classic flower for "I love you"
strawberry + strawberry flowers: symbol of love and sensuality. the pleasure of love. righteousness 🍓🍓
I'm Malachi, a freelance digital artist who loves lgbt+ romance, high fantasy, cosmic horror, and vampires! Currently working on Melrose: City of Monsters, a horror fic
✉️ malachi.g.dewitt@gmail.com
ROSE: John, stop it.
ROSE: The degree of maturity you are showing here is really bad for morale.
JOHN: oh, shush.
ROXY: ......
ROSE: ......
JOHN: heh.
JOHN: sorry, i guess i got carried away.
JOHN: no offense.
this is the greatest thing in the world thank u very much