What the fuck went on tonight

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Sidus Animation () teases bold new slate of projects, starting with ‘Running Man: Revengers.’ Learn more about their plans in this interview: https://t.co/8gABnR2K3J

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Voilà mon fanart des résidus de l’âme de allez le lire d’ailleurs

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To most it may seem like the guy is blushing nervously because he has a crush on the girl. But it's in fear that she'll crush his wind pipe if she she squeezes too much. A comission of my good ol' Moon Gurl Luna and Space geek Sidus from !

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:D right? wrong.

d*e fuck you conundrum studpid clown nstupdi stpduadisidusadkljjaf fuck you

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It’s really hard to choose because people have been so nice and I love every single attack I’ve received but here are some in no particular order
(Drawings by @/IneMiSol, @/Sidus, @/Neuroticmoths, @/Goldenheart06)

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"Hmm? Pfft—Why do you look weird lately, Sidus? Do you still ... uhhh experience jet lag after sleeping for thousands of years?
Or... Do you want to adjust yourself to the current era?"

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"Aa — aaa ... Sidus ... it's just me ... Are you OK ?? I'm sorry .... Sidus ... it's me, Guinevere ... Sorry I surprised you"

The former queen panicked without reason...

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Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs by SIDUS Animation is an amazing movie featuring the first fat princess as a lead character. 👑

It's a refreshing take on the usual pretty Disney-esque princess tale and I honestly loved it a lot!

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"Sidus ... Did you enjoy your day?"

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Commission for minigarnetsidus!

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Noxsidus - A Servant summoned from beyond the stars. He has an interest in the Survival of Humanity. An Eldritch Being.

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Guinevere blushed when Sidus took the opportunity to kiss her forehead, she rubbed her forehead and looked away

"Tch ... No ... I just like white dresses ... maybe .... well ... this can also be called a bridal dress ... W...why?"

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Avui és el Dia Mundial del Reciclatge (Global Recycling Day) Declarat per UNESCO per conscienciar humanitat sobre la importància de reduir, reutilitzar i reciclar els residus per protegir el planeta del canvi climàtic, la contaminació i altres efectes pel medi ambient

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3.) Sidus {Main Ship}

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If you were my rose, then I'd be your sun,
painting you rainbows when the rains come.
I'd change my orbit to banish the night,
as to keep you in my nurturing light.

Our fates intertwined, two bodies in motion
through time and space

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Sidus does love lying on the grass at night and watching the fireflies and stars go by ⚡️🐞🌟
Art by

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"Ssssssssssssssss—Sidus? I miss you..."

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