


クロエ  は、


レアドロップ: エンブレム券


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douko. sion. 秋の夜長

25 133

eles mudaram o estilo de texto pro que eles usariam no futuro quando trocaram a perspectiva do tohno shiki pra sion eles estao usando o meio como um storytelling device!!!!!!!!

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It's the face!!!! Sion's legacy!!!

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Sion only top mute all gg report jungle

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Sion chilling with Shiki after fucking i guess

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Hey! Just dropping in to say I have some bills to pay and need to raise some money until next month. If you want/can com//mis//sion me plz look at the terms in my bio. 4 fullbody should cover everything I have to pay including my cat's cast//ration surg//ery
Last work 👇🏼 for ref

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CoC「傘月堂夜話 第1話:駆ける白妙」
PC1:茨木 夏実(PL:さけ)
PC2:水蛇 心春(PL:藍月)
PC3:葛葉 秋穂(PL:ろった)
PC4:蜘糸 冬(PL:たまごりらねき)

ヤドリギの継続で第二シーズン始まってました! 描写綺麗だしシナリオも楽しかった!二話もどうなるかなー!

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I keep mistaking his shirt collar as like a stupid choker collar thing like sion has and I hate it

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Hace unos meses hice el curso de Introducción a la pintura digital y para mi proyecto final decidí realizar una ilustración de Sion y Gately de la serie de rol de Calviverso.

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anyways I was thinking about doing a outfit between klinsy (my namesake) and sion tatari

you know?


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this shot of sion will always go hard

chunni ass bitch

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