Family reunion? 🐵🔥
Tripitaka has been kidnapped once again, but by The Bull King's son! As much as Wukong would like to avoid a fight, Red Boy won't back down so easily!

131 1296

I ate a donut here’s some art I haven’t. Posted au stuff oc stuff au oc stuff lmk aus with my friends yadadaaaa

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I watched the 1996 version of JTTW for two minutes and I immediately fell in love with him

165 1332

Ended up drawing something for this, and now I wanna actually write a oneshot for it ASDKFJDHD

372 2380

promoting my ponytail wukong agenda 🍑☀️

32 107

Decided to work on the recent sketches :D

149 988

“I love you”
“You shouldn’t”
Love the dynamic of gradual love. It feels real when it actually happens in the end you know? Sun I feel like would reject any romance but Chang’e won’t give up until he feels her affections!

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