美人はウェディングドレスを着て、心夫の現れを待っている~Via Sarabi

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✿酔っ払~✿えへへ⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄
Via Sarabi

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主公殿~今夜は月が綺麗ですね~via Sarabi

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張天后は張魯の娘である張琪瑛ですよ、手に持っているのは米だよ~どうして米を持っているのか主公殿は知っていますか?Via Sarabi

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王異のことをずっと憧れているのよ~こんなかっこいくてセクシーな美人は三国では超珍しいですよ!いつか小喬も王異のようになればいいなぁ~主公殿がお好きのタイプはかっこいいタイプか或いは天真爛漫でかわいいタイプでしょうか~?via Sarabi

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Here is rain and warm...RAIN, 1955

By Tully Filmus - born in Ataki, Bessarabia, in 1903. ( Otaci is a town on the southwestern bank of the Dniester River, which at that point forms the northeastern border of Moldova.) In 1913, his parents Michael and Eva Filmus moved to USA.

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Happy National Romania Day!

A.k.a Great Union Day, in which Transilvania, Basarabia, Bucovina and The Romanian Kingdom became one, in 1918.

It's celebrated on dec. 1s, but it's already dec. 1st here, so...

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大喬のロリータスカートで~~す!いいなぁカワイイなぁ~(*´﹃`)小喬も同じタイプのを着てみたい!Via Sarabi

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カワイイ黄月英!姜維はもう惹かれている~via Sarabi

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今日の子殺はショートカットにしてみました!主公様はロングヘアーの子殺とショートヘアーの子殺、どっちが好きですか?via Sarabi

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Nala as female marb*
(+ Sarabi & Kiara... ok, + Simba & Kovu)
*Marb(s) - the type of spirits from the World of the Dirt/Mud in originat universe by Isidor (https://t.co/wq3vkjY20e)

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主公様速く三国殺の擬人化キャラクターを見てください!左:子殺がUFOキャッチャーをしています!右:子殺はUFOキャッチャーがヘタクソです… !Via:Sarabi

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""Live-action"" Sarabi and Nala 🦁👑

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Mufasa wasnt S H I T
and Sarabi finally agrees

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I did not like the new lion king... here is some old and

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I made a joke with about a PMD AU With her Rymesona Sarah becoming the Sarabi and the Pokemon Trainer that's been teaching her the ways becomes... a Torchic.

Sky can never catch a break, can he?

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