Alex Colville🎨
È stato un pittore figurativo canadese del secondo Novecento.
La sua opera si avvicina al Realismo magico.
Si respira un senso di straniante attesa.

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Bom dia. Bem, acho que finalmente cheguei a um consenso com minha identidade de gênero

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Oh Romy, don't worry, Echo's gotchu. You know there's an easy cure for sensory overload, right? Just put on some boots and head out into a snowstorm alone.

And you can go on a heroic quest while you're at it, just for fun. : )

1 1

🥀Bianca cara, i primi raggi di un sole quasi primaverile cominciano a scaldare l’aria…
quell’aria che può dare il calore giusto da fare
germogliarele piantine del buon senso e dell’amore
nei cuori delle persone…
un abbraccio di felice giornata…a te 🥀💐🤗🥀e a tutti..🥀

2 5

Tá faltando bom senso e paciência pra esse povo do pitaco de arte

Amiguinho(a) se alguém pedi ajuda, ajude
Mas se ninguém pediu dica, informação, instrução ou pediu que vc conserte a arte, fique quieto

N sou obrigado a ser gentil com gente intrometida tbm né? 👀

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Martyr Champion class armour

One of the rarest armours known, the Champion armour has seen restricted use by Arbiter Squad, giving them speed, strength, and sensory capabilities that have fried the minds and bodies of other unlucky test subjects.

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salad, the vegetables taste 10x more bitter and they give me sensory overloads

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Scoprii ben presto
che questa lecture pieuse
era dedicata soprattutto
alla mortificazione dell’intelletto,
e all’utile umiliazione
della ragione;

una medicina
che il buon senso doveva digerire con calma.

Charlotte Brönte

Stewart Carmichael

3 5

Multi-sensor tracking reveals Starling as predominantly nocturnal migrant (individual flights last up to 22.5h) & exposes 2 distinct migration strategies in the Baltic population
Read more in our new paper ( lead by |#ornithology

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The ADHD king! I love him.

This is old, I'll have to draw him being fidgety or sensory seeking again 😂

8 45

let’s enjoy every small things~
good morning ☀️

Yesung Sensory Flows

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