My Essek art is almost all Shadowgast-centric and I make zero apologies.

2 6

Too many really, but first two represent the 2 comics I've done/am currently updating of which I am fond. One for the fanfic fanart (that ended up becoming a fanfic meme??), and the last one which was a collab with and I will cherish always.

6 38

i haaaaate Essek Thelyss sooooooo much. shadowgast is also the worst. grrrrr /s

28 141

wizard corruption arc speedrun ! (snippets from something bigger I’m working on)

424 1865

I've been listening to gentle music and reading about sorrow. Here's a shadowgast sketch :)

52 309

"I think he likes you." — "Oh, I see."

They're both too clever to ignore frumpkin is just an extension of Caleb's mind, and don't find it necessary to speak about it.

328 1708

Art for chapter 9 of til human voices wake us, my friend's lovely shadowgast mercaleb au! In this chapter: swimming, snarking, shellfish

151 859

A quick and sketchy Essek Thelyss for Sunday. Just me thinking how the best laid plans of the DM can often go astray, often for the better of the game. lol

31 184

10 days art posting challenge, Day 4
Уже 4 ранку, так що можна і запостить наступний день😀Як завжди, я не можу для фону нічого, крім абстракщини. Можливо, одного дня в мене вистачить сил малювати щось серйозніше
Tagging this time!

13 60

прогрес повільний, але роботу по відволіканню мене від важких думок арт виконує. Тож нема на що жалітись

6 49

did i make this a print because i have brainrot sure did did i also change my site so it has a listing just for my shadowgast and essek stuff also yes

39 233

shhhh i'm shifting back into shadowgast as arwegorn mode

657 4501

A new fanfic fanart of Caleb surprising Essek with their first date and some magic.

24 158

Another shadowgast illustration for my good friend's mer-caleb au. This chapter: Essek goes beachcombing after a terrible storm wrecks the coast. He finds...Caleb.

191 1191

QRT with your hands!!

Why are they all shadowgast? I shouldn't be surprised

1 13

A new (kinda?) character joins the cast. I like to imagine he came from a timeline where Essek chickened out.

1 10

I have no reason for this I just wanted a shadowgast sketch post of some of my favs

It's about the HANDS YA'LL

104 495

Shadowgast years down the line

130 921

Celebratory Brenessek sketch for for their AU fic! Bren killed his parents and never became Caleb in this fic, and their dynamics is so fun to read.

113 689