iskall support day <3

the plants also have meanings! ill put them below + reminder to untag

15 249

quick warmup drawing,
decided to call him Skall

123 649

WOAH MORE DESIGNS??? I bet no one saw that coming

My bad that the joel design kinda looks boring I had no idea what to give him o(-(

[ ]

15 66

Vault hunter and his two Vault dads :)

(pls untag in the comments!)

632 5888

hello and yet again I'm here with a new batch of hermit ponytown skins!

now featuring pearl, redlife grian, iskall, and scars original skin :D

2 13

EEEEEeeeeeskallMAN on the rescue hoohee

38 223

glad iskall is feeling a lot better these days!! :))

20 70

Honestly this just has gotten very scuffed at this point,
(Some of these are suggestions from friends)
Impulse looks like he’s from a Disney movie, iskall just looks like he’s been put through a filter, and it struggled a lot with tangos akdjajf

0 10

1/2 Nature Clan Ranger Duo Finn 🐿️ & Raskall 🐁

The Nature Clan is a collection of nomadic tribes content to wander their expansive forests in balance with nature. They are a wild, mischievous and free-spirited people who think it’s weird to sleep indoors…

17 47

Hmm I haven’t been here for a while

Crackpack+ an assassin AU of Etho and Iskall

8 45

Went on an art binge yesterday! Here's the results!



These were all done within 6 hours total, and I had a lot of fun drawing these three. I have two more drawings in progress/planned as well :D

(Tags: )

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Ahhhhh you are so cute 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️ thank you very much im crying FHJSKALLL *screams of happy*

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Gotta post this somewhere, but my contribution! Iskall and Doc! 🥳🥳🥳 had a wonderful time working with everyone, thank you!

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found this robo boi art from a year ago
how can I go back to this art style?

16 48

they reskinned the skalla set in ipsusu blue on purpose

looks better without the sky blue highlights probably tho

0 6

i haven't gotten a single fucking skallic jacket of healing fuck this dungeon

1 3

I HOPE YOU ALL HAVE LOVELY HOLIDAYS THIS MONTH! I MYSELF WILL BE CELEBRATING YULE AS WE APPROACH OUR WINTER SOLSTICE AND A NEW YEAR! No matter what religion or culture you celebrate this year, know you are welcome to my Swamplands for merriment and celebration anytime, SKALL ❤️🐢

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4. Skallic Coat of Fending

You got this to drop and then refused to change your glamour since this was current content.

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