Can you remember what a peaceful place 💀was before the interdimensional portal appeared in the city?

To get insight and more details about our strategic plan to defend the city from Humanz take a look at the WhitePaper👇

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turn up your radio and Discord 🔊

It is nearly weekend and we’re getting ready to party 🎉

Jimiyu has invited everyone to his pet's birthday party 🎂

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We've heard something about a Music Nightz in and it seems that this is ready to go there and win it!🎸

What song cover do you think he'll play?❤️

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You are never too young or too old to join the fascinating community 🤩☠️

In everyone is welcomed and loved ❤️

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All Skullz are unique & loved in 💀❤️

Based on their special attributes - a pet, a candy, a terminator eye, sunglasses - each NFT will have a certain role & will be granted access to different locations.

Curious to find out more?👀

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Hey frenz ! It was an awesome day in ☠️

It’s time to brush your bonez and get ready for Mad dreamz 💤

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GM fam’! Today the weather will be sunny and the sky clear☀️ in The are no radioactive cloudz in sight☁️.

All Skullz are enjoying this weather❤️

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GM 💀!

We know Monday mornings are difficult🥱 but we hope you had a great weekend with your frenz in and IRL!

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The creativity of our artists is beyond everyone's imagination ❤️

That’s why is such a magical world✨populated by unique, uncommon, and charming ☠️

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Are you familiar with the Rarity system applicable within 💀?

What Rarity 🤩 does your NFT has?

📖Check our WhitePaper to learn more about the Rarity system

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Inhabitants of ☠️ Have you heard the news👀?

We are extending our world to a new universe

❤️Hope to see you there

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💀 the sun is up ☀️ and a new day full of adventures is expecting us!

Greetings from the Mayor of

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🎉 Today we are excited to announce that on the floor price for our 🍼💀 is 9.8

is grateful to all the !

10 31

GM to all MadSkullz, wherever you are! ☀️

is fighting for you💪🏻

fam’ let’s show some support for our missing or unrevealed frenz❤️

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As our very first NFT collection, the collection was quickly sold out, we decided to grant the owners of a NFT a special role, so we call them

Of course, such role comes with great benefits in

Are you a

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In we love animals 🐶

Our have 8 different pets 🦜🐒🪱🐉

What pet does your Skullz have?❤️

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GM citizenz of 💀

We hope you woke up fully energized 🔋 and ready to continue the quest to bring home our missing 666

Stay close 👀

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Daily reminder: all are important in ❤️

Grab your Skullz on the secondary market💀

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Do you recognize these 2 flesh pieces? 🤔

If you don't then you should read our WhitePaper and find out what is their utility in 👇

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What is our purpose with

We want to make everyone feel welcome and appreciated, and give you a place where you can play (alone or with your frens), learn and earn. ❤️

How? Find all the details in our WhitePaper:

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