Yes, feel free to use them as your Desktop BG and have fun. ^__^

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Yes this one got a bunch of versions because I couldn’t decide. Hope you enjoy. 💖

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I hope to see all 3 playable again some day and hopefully with their super forms. 💖👏

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Happy Anniversary!
All 3 now in one Picture! My 3 Favorite Hedgehogs in their Super Forms.
What for amazing 30 years! Lets keep enjoying for the next 30 and up! 💖

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The blue blur has found himself in the white void of nothingness. *Why is he happy about it-*

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My version of the rarely talked about logo from Sonic Adventure! Usually you could see this badge in the front page of the early 2000s Archie issues and various other mediums. Did this in about w hours maybe less.

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saludos, Sonic el erizo cumple 30 años desde que salió por primera vez en 1991, y como manera de celebración y por el especial de 50 suscriptores, hice 4 fan arts de Sonic, la verdad espero que les guste.

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Since it's Sonic's 30th anniversary, I drew my favorite character in the series! I also wanna draw Sonic & Knuckles later

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I've been slacking off a lot but I finally decided to draw the Blue Blur :)

3 8

-hola chicos/as, como este año, sonic cumple 30 años desde su nacimiento en el 91, hize 4 fanarts. tambien gracias por los 50 seguidores!
-Hello guys, like this year, sonic turns 30 since his birth in 91, I made 4 fanarts. also thanks for the 50 followers!

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Thinking about the promo wallpapers for Sonic Colors.

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something super

something dark

and something hyper

happy 30th anniversary

(50 likes for fleetway super sonic)

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long ago i wanted to draw my favorite pink hedgehog and well finally something simple here

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