Another impulse of imagination was embodied in a new work. My eighth ZXArt ZXSpectrum editor BGE 3.12 emulator UNREAL

8 21

games you don’t often hear talked about: Hammerfist, a cool adventure with a neat tactic switching characters. Nicely detailed but mono gfx - a shame as it’s flip screen so would have even better in colour. Bit slow on the Speccy too which is surprising

10 40

I imagined an interesting angle in my head and decided to implement it in my favorite image editor. My eighth ZXArt ZXSpectrum editor BGE 3.12 emulator UNREAL

4 18

I present to your attention another confrontation between good and evil! Who will win? My seventh ZXArt ZXSpectrum editor BGE 3.12 emulation UNREAL

5 19

Icon vs Owner ✨

🎨: @/SpeccyChicken

2 72

Great call my friend, I bought a 128k +2 Speccy just to play Chase HQ back in 1989 as I was addicted to the arcade game and it being my 2nd favourite arcade game of all-time behind Sega's 'Out Run'! Manic Miner will ALWAYS and FOREVER be my favourite Speccy game of all-time!❤️👍

1 4

Rate the bird, gush over him and fuel his ego

Artists are: @/ahungrycrow @/catboots and @/SpeccyChicken

7 61

Lots of Marvel and DC games on the old micros, really nice colourful palette, looks like someone forgot to add the colour on the Speccy😀

6 14

Actually, as Speccy arcade conversions go, that's not too bad. Could be better, but not everything can be a Crash Smash, right? 😁 I just got a real kick out of seeing that recent Amiga AGA version come out last year. That was a quite a stunning achievement. 👍

0 1

Best fighting game on the Speccy? Played this the day it came out in 1985. A mate bought it & we played it all day & night on my Speccy until he had to go home. He'd forgotten to eject the tape from my cassette player so he couldn't play it when he got home. But I still could!!🤣

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G is for 'Great' Speccy games!! 👍👍🕹️😍❤️

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K is for 'Kick-Ass' Speccy games!!! 🦵❤️🕹️

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L is for 'Legendary, lucious & lovely' Speccy games!! 👍❤️🕹️

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P is for 'Phantastic' Speccy games! Wot? 😉😆👍❤️🕹️

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