Lil’ Spidey.
Line work and colors in Procreate.

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here’s the finished version of Spidey.

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"Just your friendly neighborhood stallion! And no, I didn't steal that from Spidey. He stole it from me."

Lewd/Non Lewd
Bi (Fem Lean)
Usually equine shaft (Can be human based for preference)
Come one, come all! No need to fear at all!

More info to come! ---->

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about to go see summer spidey... gonna get me a nice summer icee

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That ain't 90's Spidey. This is 90's Spidey:

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I'm going through my files more alphabetically than chronologically, but this will show some breadth of what the guy could do. Like these collaborations Justin did with Olivier Coipel & The lighting, the color choice. And then the different styles of Spidey. More...

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Here again with another redesign. This time a WW2 soldier Spidey.
I hope you like it!
More designs to come.
I'm also open for more design ideas, don't be shy!

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"Cette artiste que tu adores a aimé tes minis Spidey."

Moi :

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Spidey. Last is favorite✨

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2019 vs 2015!
In 2015 I did a challenge with some friends, where we'd draw ourselves like a hero/villain from comics, I did myself as Spidey.
This time I'm remaking it for spidersona tag, hope you like it!

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Heres an example of our workflow on Spidey. and I had some good teamwork. He did a sketch, I did some color key variations then gave it back to Patrick to paint the final matte painting. He did an amazing job interpreting my mess😄

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Joining in on craze! Some sort of magic using spidey. Like rough ugly self taught magic that would make dr strange upset 😆

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A lil' late nite Spidey.
Very excited for the new movie!!!

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Spiderman isy favorite hero as a kid and adult. I hate spiders which is ironic. I used to try to climb walls as a kid and pretend I was Spidey. Now I'm a photographer. Thanks Stan Lee. You are truly an inspiration.

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Some Venoms!
Ever since I was a kid, he's always been my favorite. I kept rooting for him instead of Spidey. And I think that to this day, he's still a huge influence in my approach to character design.

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