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Day 23 : Movement

(Tannies in the Tonight Show washing machine set!) 💜

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じゃない ☺️


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Again just a try out :D

It could be a way to draw something for the amazing fashion of the Tannies and being faster than with the milk cartons (and there is a need for this, i'm drowning in fashion bookmarks^^)

Don't know if it need the fat black outline 🤔

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“Tannie don’t just doze off when you’re not even in bed yet! And fix your robe- oh wait nevermind~ 😳💚”

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that one scene from ponyo except its jimin n the rest of the tannies (on their way to smooch him)

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so me and did smth today, and i ended up creating an au (i can hear your exasperated sighs already) where the tannies are spirits who protect this little town.

we ended up loving these two characters so much i had no choice but to draw them

So here’s Na and Seo

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Xingqiu sketchie for his birthday q v q it will be a collab with baby Satannie so my work here is done (?) 😎🔥💯

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Please excuse the random jikookery lovelies, just distracting myself from not being able to see tannies live... 😭

We'll be back to your regularly scheduled fashionista Jimimi soon, so please enjoy Koo tattoos for now 💕💕💕

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🍜 eat jin! 🍜

while our contributor applications are open, let's play a game! ( ´▽` )

jin's ready to cook up a warm lunch for the tannies! will you help him decide what ingredients to add to his soup?

+ open this thread to choose! 🍲

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„Johnsons Kontrollverlust:
Versorgungskrise in Großbritannien“

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tannie crossing! 🌸🌈🌱

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This is a transparent version of sock tannie ✨ I should have been more considerate about the background color, sorry for that!

Again feel free to use this as your pfp/icon, credits is much appreciated but not necessary! ☺️

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i regret to inform u all that i have been diagnosed with erwin smith stannie disease please send ur thots and prayers in this trying time 😔

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anyways good morning / night to my beautiful milf and her stannies

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Genshin!Lulu and Tannie ╰(*´︶`*)╯❤️💙

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// wip
I'm drawing lulu and tannie in a genshin au and I'm havin a lot of fun with the designs ksdjskd It gonna take me a while but I can't wait to finish it ⁽⁽ ◟(灬 ˊωˋ 灬)◞ ⁾⁾

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i experimented with a variety of mediums over time n oil painting always seemed too intimidating, but yesterday i caved n bought water mixable oils, so the journey starts now. first attempt def showed me i have stuff to learn, but i can't wait to paint the tannies hehe it's fun!!

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