I think I’ve had identity issues most of my life because my ADHD would switch between extremes that made not much sense when paired up.

4047 9998

eu corto todo mundo sem perceber numa conversa. tdah é foda

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“Am I just looking for excuses...?“

2091 5277

“A real woman has her household under control” Yeah, screw that.

947 3729

How to help an ADHD student ✨
Heyo! I noticed a lot of people had trouble reading this because of the amount of text / size so I cut it down for y’all! Rest in comments

1956 4734

Why I didn’t get diagnosed until 28 and was told I’m “too quiet” to have ADHD✌️
(Alternative title: How instead of getting ADHD treatment I developed Anxiety to cope)

10722 25592

My totally unscientific explanation of why I quit everything I start and how everything gets too overwhelming. Bigger Version on my homepage!
(Close-ups in comments)

6423 14037

e eu tenho TOC, sou autista, TDAH ouyhuaiheuaheuiaeh MEU DEUS EIN

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