元旦快樂!!!!(♡´艸`)♥很高興參予lofter那兒的活動。久久沒練上色,希望彩稿沒畫糟(Qw Q!!連結附上配圖小短文。完全自我流沒什麼檢查,如有BUG請見諒。
【Essay Link】https://t.co/S1aVgwyY54

30 100


ไปค่ะ จะคลานไปหานะคะ ยอมเเพ้ต่อปิงเกอ ยอมเเพ้เเร้วข่ะ😭😭💕

109 217

Mmmmm maybe asking another demon who is clueless when it comes to his own love life wasn't the best idea
*I know the timeline between the extra and the main story doesn't add up...but still

82 176

"When you accidentally triggered a love rival event" (2/2)
Inspired by 's harvest moon AU (It's ok bingbing one love rival event isn't the end of the world fhfjd)

446 748

"When you accidentally triggered a love rival event" (1/2)
Inspired by 's harvest moon AU (I rly like HM so I couldn't stop myself hfhjd)

615 941

Collab w <3 I love eon and eon art~!!

LQG and Hua Cheng are so nice to look at huhu (๑•́ ₃ •̀๑)

111 268

The only thing I could think about after reading Ch 47....LBH reuniting with SQQ...and his cut off and re-pasted back on beard

61 150