画質 高画質

Tehe! HAAIII semua, does anyone want to be moots with me? aku AR50, xiao main, i go by she/her, mostly talk about kpop (stray kids), like huxiao very much, and really looove to interact with moots 😻💗 leave your trace below and i'll hyu 🥺🫶🏻

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HAAIII semua, does anyone want to be kawanbabu with me? aku AR50, xiao main, i go by she/her, mostly talk about kpop (stray kids), like huxiao very much, and really looove to interact with moots 😻💗 leave your trace below and i'll hyu 🥺🫶🏻

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good day kawanbabu i am currently looking for new friends to lighten up my timeline, i go by she/her and hutao/furina main. if you want to befriend me, kindly leave any trace below and i'll greet you soon. 0__<

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hi I’m looking for new kawanbabu.

I’m a Al-Haitham and neuvilette main, I’m a legal He/him, let's be friend who dont mind i'm talks about HSR, animanga/Manhwa, rl too. Feel free to leave a trace, so I can hit you up.

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Trace Keeper 👁️🦠

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Hello! I'm here for kawanbabu ! I go by he/him/any pronouns, adventure rank 58. Mencari teman agar timeline saya tidak terlalu sepi. If you don't mind my account is unlabeled, kindly leave a trace with hmu.

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Haloo sender bru kembali dri hiatus panjangggg, jadi sdg mencari genshinmoots utk mengisi tl akkk! sender sihir, legal age, dan akun yg -15 dan heavy nsfw acc dni dlu yahhh, leave a trace klo berminat jadi tmen sender ougheyy

*pic sbgai pemanis krna kita perlu gula nyam

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Haloo sender bru kembali dri hiatus panjangggg, jadi sdg mencari kawanbabu utk mengisi tl akkk! sender sihir, legal age, dan akun yg -15 dan heavy nsfw acc dni dlu yahhh, leave a trace klo berminat jadi tmen sender ougheyy

*pic sbgai pemanis krna kita perlu gula nyam

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As you saw before, I was looking at my old drawings.

And since I was complaining about "Now the expressions don't come out😭" I grabbed my drawings and traced them xd (I changed little things and fixed them, btw)

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Hello i'm looking for kawanbabu, sender dah legal, suka poto2 in game, ar50 and Keqing main. Akun sender juga bahas game adeknya juga. So, pls leave a trace. Anw, mdni yaaa🫡🔥

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malam semua, I'm on a mission to find more jjkmoots! yang gak masalah kalau akun ku random suka bahas game dan anime lain, aku cinta SHOKO IEIRI, sashisu, yuta dan maki, aku sudah legal tapi minor friendly ^__^, just leave a trace and I'll hit you up

dni buat homophobic‼️

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babu! Hello, I’m here looking for new friends to enliven my dry timeline. I go by he/they pronouns and set my interests in genshin, kucing, and novels. Any takers..? Please leave a trace and I'll hit you up.

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Halo halo✨ aku sedang mencari kawanbabu, aku menerima segala jenis akun dan aku furina & ayato main
Leave any trace and I'll hit you up! ✨

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hi everyone!! currently looking for kawanbabu c:
especiallyy yang gak masalah sama akun yang baru aktif lagi n also still a minor!! I go by she/her n i love all genshin men and women, especially alhaitham, kaveh & navia (and many more) <33
leave a trace if u wanna (cont..)

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Selamat malam travelers, looking for more kawanbabu yang gak masalah sama akun baru buat. Gw ar 54 dan yoimiya main. Terima semua akun, but keep it mind i'm still minor, dan homophobic dni dlu ya.
Leave any trace and i hit you up.

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hiii 🥺💗 i'm looking for kawanbabu who loves to interact with me. for your information, i'm AR50, like huxiao very much, and mostly talk about kpop in my acc. kindly leave your trace below if you don't mind with that and i'll hyu!! 😻✨

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babu! i just opened a new genshintwt account, anyone wants to be my friends? i go by he/they and already in my legal age. i put my interest in cewe cantik genshin, KUCING, animangas, dan lainnya. please leave a trace below. ((i swear im nice))

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Selamaaat siaanggg!!! Sender mencari kawanbabu untuk mengisi timeline!! Akunku baru aktif lagi setelah 2 tahun, legal, unlabeled, isinya genshin, koreaan (mostly BTS), buku, lagu, pokoknya random, aku gak masalah akun apa pun, leave a trace mari bertemaan!!! \(^o^)/

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Halo, aku mencari kawanbabu aku neuvillette main, ar 60 Asia dan legal age. If u don't mind akunku unlabeled dan aku juga hype manga/manhwa/manhua anime dll. please leave a trace and i'll hit you up!

ps. Homphobic and minor dni ya.

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have this instead I traced myself for fun

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