Thank you for all your hard work and inspiration! Happy

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Behind every great child is a great teacher! Happy

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We are blessed to have the most wonderful & assistant staff at .

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Just two more sleeps until

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Thank you to all those who help us become all that we never knew we could be.

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WE LOVE YOU, TEACHERS! (We wouldn’t be here without you).

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If you're not ready for the future, you won't have one! - Rin

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Hooray for teachers who ignite a passion for reading, spark creativity and fire the imagination!

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Today we honor those who works tirelessly for future generations 🎓😃

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Thank you Teachers for everything you do!! >^..^<

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So much for teachers on ... All the same, celebrating the noble profession!

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Profesores: más importantes de lo que muchos piensan

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One of the greatest teachers of all time, Lord Bheeshma. Happy Teacher's Day Everyone

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