I'm really happy with how this came out after today aaaaaa >_>

029/905+? Nidoran♀️

1 3

I was struggling alot with the head here and it looks a little weird to me but overall I really love this :3

028/905+? Sandslash

0 2

I'm just now realizing how small this looks. I had fun drawing this but I was worried it might come out bad. I'm happy with the end result :D

027/905+? Sandshrew

0 4

The hardest part here surprisingly for me was the tail. The ears were hard too but I redrew the tail like 15 times. I had fun with this and I'm so happy with how it turned out :3

026/905+? Raichu

0 1

Look who it is! ♡.♡ My Pikachu is slim thicc lol. I love this so much!

025/905+? Pikachu

0 1

Snek! I had a much easier time drawing this boi compared to Ekans
Enjoy this danger noodle :3

024/905+? Arbok

0 3

Birbs are the hardest thing to draw in my opinion. I'm really happy with how this turned out! I'm excited for simple snake drawing tomorrow! >;3

022/905+? Fearow

0 1

I still have trouble with drawing birbs but I like this alot! The neck area was kinda hard to get right but he's a cutie!

021/905+? Spearow

0 2

Big old rat boi lol. He came out cuncky just like I wanted ♡.♡ I love this soo much!! I can see improvement in my own work I'm sooo happy AAAA
Please enjoy! ^-^

020/905+? Raticate

0 2

I had a good time drawing purple rat boi! Do you love hims hehe :D

019/905+? Rattata

0 2

This one came out much better then the first two in my opinion :3 I'm so happy with this

018/905+? Pidgeot

0 2

I still have a hard time with birds but this was fun! I drew too big at first so I resized it. It still came out looking good :3

017/905+? Pidgeotto

0 5

I have a hard time drawing birds proportionaly but I think this came out pretty good! :3

016/905+? Pidgey

0 4

Here come the worm ;D I did more shading again and I had so much fun drawing this. Such a cutie ♡.♡
013/898 Weedle

0 3

I had a really fun time drawing this one. I tried a minimum amount of shading. I need to learn more about shading a lighting but still I really like this one!!
012/898 Butterfree

0 5

The incredibly complex metapod :3
011/898 Metapod

0 2

Cutie blue turtle is ready for war ♡
Getting all the angles just right is hard :P
008/898 Wartortle

0 1

Doing a drawing every day is actually making a difference. I feel like I'm getting better :3
007/898 Squirtle
Enjoy cutie blue turtle ♡

0 3