Im tired as hell and eecently im just not in the mood to draw seriousky so heres a doodle of adachi wearing this damn shirt bc its been on my mind all day

Im pretty much sleepy so forgive the errors~might delete ;w;

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Somehow playing animal crossing and seeing my character's outfit inspired me to do this---

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I was supposed to post this on valentines but got carried away 😭 and now crop is punishing me!

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in which i display blatant favouritism between my two favourite characters /j

(this is not true i like adachi more)

# fuck what is the venti tag

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I don't have a tie but fix my tie too Anko-- ✨✨

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Don't tell Dojima about this...okay? 🛍🤭🥬

(Please don't hate me I'm having way too much fun with this)

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I took a different approach to celebrate his birthday!! Hope you enjoy! 💋

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I had this unfinished drawing for a few months and decided to finish it!

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