Battling against Gladion and his Type: Null! 👊

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Collected 20 Totem Stickers and received a Totem Raticate! 🐀

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Another rival battle with Hau in Paniola Town! 👊

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"Dexio and Sina in Alola!" by Pancake-the-Pikachu 🏝️

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Battling with Sina and a shoutout to X and Y! 👊

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Riding the waves on the back of Mantine! 🏄‍♀️

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Playing with Brionne and Lunatone at the Alola Photo Club! 📸

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Registered Tauros in my Ride Pager, time to smash some rocks! 🐂

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"Ultra Recon Squad Soliera" by Iskyana 👩‍🚀

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