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sweet dreams dear milord 💤
take a good rest and have a lovely day 🥰

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Kindred slumber party & Prechat karaoke. Rest well our dear lord, don't worry, we are having fun

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kindred and milord sleep together(zed zed zed)💤💤💤

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Eppy Milord must rest. Pile up Kindred and make it comfy for our King ❤️ Pats in your head and a kiss to for forehead, rest well, you deserve it ❤️

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Hope you get some well deserved rest and feel better soon milord~ ♥️♥️ we’ll always be here

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Take care Milord! A lil more sleep won’t hurt! <3

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Take care of yourself Milord, you and your health are the most important now. I hope you can catch more rest and remember that we love you 👹❤️#VoxPopuLIVE

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patpatpat demon man ❤️ take care of yourself MiLove ❤️🫂

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Thank you so much for the stream, Milord. Spend some time with you while playing DK is always so much fun! You are the number 1 MONKE! Now go and rest for the rest of the day! You have work hard! Mweh~

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👹: “I am the biggest bird now!” 👹🦜#VoxPopuLIVE

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More monke shenanigans ft. Quaso 🥐

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Finished my work and meet with my lord.☺️❤️

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👹: "Which god did I anger for my bad luck today?"

Awww poor baby 🥺

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despite neal being such a hater , I had a great time. OTSU, thank you for the stream milord! The ASMR was amazing i love it so much. Love seeing you improve all the time. Hope you rest well take care and love you always 😘😘😘#VoxPopuLIVE

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“I need you to keep still. Just try to enjoy it for me baby, okay?”

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This demon wishes me luck but I don’t think I’ll be able to concentrate at all!!!! I’ll try it tho

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