Nvm I was trippin Vegapunk gotta be an old man 100% https://t.co/wMU6ge0oc1

0 3

Ryokugyu dans le Chapitre 905 de One Piece :

« Comment se porte le bon Vieux Vegapunk ? »

8 105

Par contre le début d'arc me fait un peu penser à Onigashima mdrrr
On avait Yamato qui se présente en tant que Oden et là c'est une femme mystère "PUNK 02" qui prétend être Vegapunk ?!
À tt moment, ça va être sa fille comme Yamato était celle de Kaido 😭

20 404

Vegapunk je le voyais trop dans ce style là moi... j'espère vrmt que c'est pas cette connerie de Nami recyclée encore

14 245


23 652

ملاحظة : الطريقة التي تنطق بها فيغابانك حديثها باللغة اليابانية هي تلك التي يتحدث بها العجائز

(Note that the way (Vegapunk) her speech is spelled out in Japanese is that of an old man)

8 353


So this is « Vegapunk »
Interesting ☺️❤️❤️❤️

59 808

Idc this is Dr. Vegapunk not that fraud Uta copycat 😤😤😤 we're sailing to an island called Egghead island obviously Dr. Eggman is Vegapunk, SONIC IS CANON

10 43

O Franky vai ficar super feliz se a Vegapunk elogiar as suas armas e robôs .

67 1200

It seems that this arc will be another SANJI'S ARC (again)

🔵This is AMAZING

Sanji meeting Vegapunk will be a great piece of fiction. Especially if he's related to SORA https://t.co/RqVyS2nE1H

1 32

Random Theory time:

Vegapunk is Sanjis aunt. Soras sister. Soras maiden name is Vegapunk

18 189

The warrior of liberation is going to handle Imu-Sama

The warrior of science is going to handle Vegapunk

3 22

So the Marines Special Science Group (SSG) have developed something in order to help after the removal of the Warlords?

I can almost guarantee that Dr Vegapunk is working alongside this portion of the marines.

0 0

If this is the case then it would also naturally tie in to why Kuma sent Bonney to this location.

This is the location of Vegapunk's new base ever since his lab at Punk Hazard was destroyed.

Kuma wants Bonney to meet Vegapunk in order to get answers.

5 140

Lmao imagine if the WG created a Buggy Seraphim but it’s so weak that it leads them to believe that Vegapunk made a dud cuz they think the real one is OP

Or better yet they send it with an army to attack Buggy but he no diffs it making them believe he’s the strongest Yonko 💀

35 713

Imagine if, the creation judge saw as a failure is in fact the greatest creation of all time surpassing even vegapunk's creation

🔵 The story telling in that is crazy

A way for oda to convey the following message : "emotions > ALL"

3 22

2. Nos han mostrado dioses como Enel, Im y Luffy, que han sido relacionados a dicho "titulo" por su fuerza, fruta del diablo o autoridad jerárquica en una política. Pero ahora tenemos un nuevo tipo de dios, el dios pensante "creador" de vida, este es Vegapunk.

2 69

I really want to see Vegapunk someone's gotta stop this man

10 113