Sett and Aphelios are just League of Legend 's Wiccan and Hulkling from Marvel and it's beautiful
(Settphel art by )

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My name is wiccan/wiccat and or Oliver. I’m a witch that likes to hunt monsters and help others. I’m non binary and accidentally turned myself part cat when I became a witch ✨

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I must say, I really appreciate that 's infinity comics feature gay heroes as leads (and yes, the fanservice that comes with that 🤤). I feel so seen. Happy 🏳️‍🌈🌈

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My version of the art by
Nick and Charlie from Wiccan and Hulkling, the Paris ice cream scene a little hotter

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Here's my take on Wiccan for the MCU ✨️🌌

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Wiccan doodle because I love his new outfit

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Ah yes, the famously always-straight, never-in-a-relationship-since-inception, never interesting Wiccan and Hulkling

Try reading a comic instead of being a reactionary

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Hi My name is wiccan/wiccat! I’m a monster hunting Non Binary Witch who is also an aspiring Psychologist as I am in college for psychology. I love interacting with chat as well as speaking about human rights on my page. I stream a bit of everything as I love variety 🖤💛🤍💜

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Just a reminder for Marvel fans: Hulkling & Wiccan released this week and I make cute little patches based on it! I have the sprite set from the game and then similar sprites that were designed by !! They're the cutest!

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Temos uma prévia da próxima webcomic do casal, com direito à NOVOS UNIFORMES!

Quando Goebig, o ex-namorado do Hulkling de outra realidade, aparece precisando de ajuda, Wiccano deve reconhecer o alcance do seu poder - e o que significa ter fé em uma parceria.

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- Fantastic Four 44
- Hulkling & Wiccan
- Iron Man 20. Talking Ape in this issue. 👍👍
- Savage Avengers 2
- Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty. Great first issue.
- That Texas Blood 14. The best comic on the stands successfully defends its title.

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This Wednesday from Marvel Comics:
*My Captain America Sentinel of Liberty Pride Variant Cover
*My Hulkling and Wiccan Variant cover
*Marvel Voices ICEMAN on Marvel Unlimited!

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hmm... feel like Wiccan and Hulkling's redesigns in Young Avengers Vol. 2 were always big winners for me - though to be fair I've yet to meet a Jamie McKelvie design I didn't like

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After watching Dramarama on Hulu I have a new fancast for Hulkling to join my fancast for Wiccan. Nico Greetham is such a great actor that can do humor and drama really great and Joshua Bassett has the sensitivity and charm.

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X Loves Of Wolverine Diogenes Neves

Hulkling & Wiccan

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NEXT WEEK! Hulkling & Wiccan sees print for the very first time, and I'm SO excited for new readers to find this story.

Get it from your local shops early because both of these covers are stunning! ✨💘⚔️

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They're so corny it reminds me of Wiccan & Hulking on Young Avengers 😹

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