The colours of the people,
the colours of the sky -
everyone is ONE
when we spread our wings,
and FLY!

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Our reminds children that we are ONE world, and we share the same colorful sky!

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As always, this astonishing cover illustration is by . Those clouds! That dragon! Jonathan suffering an inconvenience!

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also includes wonderful illustrated books for children and young people. Here's what's on the 2023 reading list, courtesy of the talented and Yu Rong

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Happy 🌹📚🐉💐

I hope you had a good day!
For this day, Belle is the most suitable: She loves to read and has a Magical Rose 🥀✨🤭

(My country's folklore also adds gifting roses.) 🌹

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Happy World Book Day, everyone!
But I can’t celebrate right now… too busy reading. 😁📚

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ছোটবেলায় কোন এক রাতে বাবা এনে দিয়েছিল ছড়ার বইটা, হারিকেন এর আলোয় দাওয়ায় পাটিতে শুয়ে শুয়ে পড়েছিলাম, ছবি বড় কম ছিল বইটাতে, হাট্টি মাটিম টিম, আগডুম, বাগডুম এর কোনো ছবি ছিল না, কল্পনাতে ছিল, সেগুলোই ক্যালেন্ডার এ এলো বহু বছর পর।

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Happy Saturday! It's World Book Day and with all of the fantastic books out there we hope you'll have a lovely weekend reading some great titles! Take a look at our selection of bestsellers! You're bound to find something you'll enjoy.

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Today is your birthday 🎂
And I hope you can like your birthday present 🎁 ——a pair of glasses ~☺️

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きょうは 世界図書・著作権デー だそうです。
世界本の日 のほうがわかりやすそうです。
いま みているのは 大人時間を味わう たのしいスパイス絵本 です。スパイスのはいったチョコもだいすき。

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