Hey want to help me out? I have a robot in this short story who is described as having "clawed arms." I was picturing something like in image 1, but I think I have had some readers picturing actual claws like image 2.
Is there a clearer way to describe this?

0 5

Happy Holidays, family, the and all of Twitter in general. Hope you have a restful and bright holiday season!

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What are everyone’s writing goals for the week before Christmas?

I’m hoping to get my first initial edit completed! Looking for all them plot holes!

0 2

Hey I've just launched my December You can get 10% off ALL my services, from and to and more. Check out my testimonials for reasons you should sign up right now! ☺️ https://t.co/0CAA8RaMwJ

2 6

The convention centered around the hosted by

! Coming October 2nd & 3rd, 2021 to Houston, TX!

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Don't worry this GIF ain't aimed at anyone in particular. Just got a kick outta it.

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*whispering* it's my birthday. Perhaps I can get a and fun gifs to celebrate?

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Yay, it's the weekend and almost November! Who's doing Nanowrimo? I thought it might be fun to try a to commemorate the upcoming craziness. 😆
Share a GIF that relates to your new novel concept, or a current wip. Here's mine:

0 4

After a brief summer holiday is back in full force tomorrow at 11am. are you ready?

The fantastic will be setting this month's tip and task. Brush-up on the rules here: https://t.co/rroAYEQMpc

7 21

For the first time, I'm writing a novel that has a HOME ahead of time. is waiting. Pub date is set. is drafting covers. A dream come true after hundreds of rejections. Happy bday to me!
your "yes" is coming—hold on! And for the support

1 9

I ❤️engaging with you. If you need a day to relax after family festivities, cool. But unless your manuscript is complete, after that day, I need you to...🤣

2 16

and let's not only follow each other on Twitter, but also on Goodreads! especially this is your chance to meet the who love to Share your Goodreads name & follow others on there!

5 12

I've reached the 3,000 milestone. What's next?? A book giveaway, of course! Thanks, To all my new friends, I hope you stick around. Let's engage and support. Stay tuned for the giveaway! It will be & friends!

2 10

Doing next month & made a prototype of my character, who is *suspiciously* similar to one of my MC's. Here's what Gimmer would look like if he did a 'play pretend' game! check out to make a virtual 3d character

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Good morning I'm sorry for being a ghost. Just health things but I'll try to be more present this week, when I can.

How's your writing come? Making your goals?

0 8

No??? You don’t??? Hey while it’s encouraged for indie and self publishing, you DO NOT need to hire an editor if you’re looking to traditionally publish. Don’t listen to advice like this.

0 6

Hey why should be the day for following? I say, make every day a chance to make new friends!! Let's all follow each other- like, RT & follow those who do!!

1 7

So someone commented that they had under 100 followers and I said I wanna change that. I can't remember who that was. But please, if you're any of these:
- new
- shy
- under 1K followers
- ready to boost other writers

please comment below. Happy to help.

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