i miss this kind of doodles tbh... maybe i should do these for kofis... idk

8 19

"[...] but his head rested somewhere really nice and something... Someone was playing with his hair? Maybe this was a dream."

collab with mai waifu LH (@/spectralsword) for day 26 of her log 💛💚

read here 👉

17 29

may spring bring u 🌹love🌹, warm weather and lotsa 💐flowers💐, my friends!!!!
(and of course a lot of loving yushimakis💕)

31 47

WE'RE ALREADY INTO THE SECOND HALF OF ?? how did this happen. time flies

8 19

i'm so glad today falcom blessed us with white day yushimaki. incredible. the best timeline. AND NOW IT'S MY TURN TO GIVE BACK

14 32

furryushimakis................. i kept thinking about how kewt they were so here they are again...

4 13

i found these randomly so here's some old yushimarchis to cheer up ur day

7 18

love is a wordless understanding, two heartbeats resounding together as one

10 23