Yoohoo! Art by pinkkatfox

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Yoohoo! ✨ I am Mai, a design student based in Jakarta, Indonesia 💕
I do potraits, OC and fanart (sometimes I also make merch).
My fav color is purple 💜💜 and I like cute stuffs! 😘

Let's be friends!! ✨

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Yoohoo! Aku Mai, mahasiswa desain yg suka digital art, biasanya gambar OC atau bikin fanart 🤣🤣 suka juga bikin merch tapi belum sempat bikin lagi huehueee👉👈

Kalo mau mutualan bilang aja yaa 😉✨
Aku juga ada ig https://t.co/gKkx1XikQi
Let's be friends! 💖💖💖

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Yoohoo~ I drew a cutie from the sea!

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Thank you so much Nau for hosting this✨

Yoohoo! ✨ I am Mai, a design student from Indonesia 🇮🇩 I enjoy drawing fanart, OC, or even make merch!
You can check my other social medias here: https://t.co/yEsuNs6m3f 💖
I like making friends so let me know if you wanna be moots 😘😘

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Wahh thanks for hosting this val! And CONGRATSSS 🎉

Yoohoo! ✨
I'm Mai 😊 A design student who likes drawing 😉 I do fanart, OC art, and even merch!
I love making friends
Let me know if you want to be mutuals 💞


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I'm Mai, from Indonesia 🇮🇩
A design student who enjoy drawing stuffs✨ I do fanart, OC and sometimes also make merch.
Let's be friends!💖

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Im Mai, a design student who likes to draw fanart/OC and even make merch!
I love making new friends, so let me know if you want to be mutuals 💖💖
Here are some of my arts!

Im Tagging:

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Yoohoo! The name's Mai 💖
I draw OC n fanart and I also make merch sometimes 💕 Mostly females ✨
I love making new friends so let's be mutuals ✨

Thanks for the art share💖 Im tagging

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Yoohoo! aku Mai✨
Nax desain yg hobi fangirling 🤣
Suka gambar OC, fanart, dan kadang bikin merch juga
My art isnt perfect but I enjoy the time I spent creating them💖
Penumpuk WIP tp sedang berusaha produktif.
Ada yg mau mutualan? 😉 I like making new friends!✨

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Yoohoo! 🧡✨

If you see this, QRT with your art and tag some folks to keep it going!

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Chewoo from yoohoo and friends !!

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Going back to my childhood and I just remembered this Tv show of Yoohoo and friends,they were so adorable😳

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Ayoohoo !

I had drawn my persona
Now I have someth to use as a pfp uwu
Btw have the other one cuz I love it a lots

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